
Sunrise at Lookout Studio, Grand Canyon
Ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) are used to indicate additional references in the text. Look for the superscript degree mark by a number to indicate additional references. For example, 2∘ is the second reference.
I recommend you scan the cumulative index for either common names (some are very interesting) or scientific names. Note the volume where it is found and then go to that volume in the menu bar. The select “Edit” in your browser and then “Find.” Type your search in and it should take you to that specific plant.
Abies concolor (Gordon) Lindl. ex Hildebr., V. 1
Abronia elliptica A. Nelson, V. 1
Abronia fragrans Nutt. ex Hook., V. 1
Abrus precatorius L., V. 2
Acacia constricta A. Gray, V. 2
Acanthaceae, V. 2
Acer macrophyllum Pursh, V. 2
Acer negundo L., V. 2
Acer pensylvanicum L., V. 2
Acer rubrum L., V. 2
Acer saccharum subsp. grandidentatum (Torr. & A.Gray) Desmarais, V. 2
Acer spicatum Lam., V. 2
Achillea millefolium L., V. 3
Achnantherum hymenoides Roem. & Shult., V. 3
Ackee, V. 2
Aconitum columbianum Nutt., V. 1
Acrostichum danaeifolium Langsd. & Fisch, V. 1
Actaea pachypoda Elliott, V. 1
Actaea rubra (Aiton) Willd., V. 1
Adenocaulon bicolor Hooker, V. 3
Adiantum capillus-veneris L., V. 1
Adiantum jordanii C.H. Mull., V. 1
Adiantum pedatum L., V. 1
Aesculus flava Sol., V. 2
Agalinis, V. 2
Agalinis linifolia (Nutt.) Britton, V. 2
Agastache urticifolia (Benth.) Kuntze, V. 2
Agavaceae, V. 3
Agave, Utah, V. 3
Agave utahensis Engelmann in S. Watson, V. 3
Ageratina, V. 3
Ageratina altissima (L.) R.M. King & H. Robinson, V. 3
Ageratina aromatica (L.) Spach, V. 3
Ageratina occidentalis (Hooker) R.M. King and H. Robinson, V. 3
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greene, V. 3
Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Rafinesque, V. 3
Agoseris, orange, V. 3
Agoseris, pale, V. 3
Agrimony, downy, V. 1
Agrimonia pubescens Wallr., V. 1
Agropyron cristatum (L.) Gaertn., V. 3
Aizoaceae, V. 1
Ajuga reptans L., V. 2
Alabama cherry, V. 1
Alder, mountain, V. 1
Alder, Siberian, V. 1
Aletris lutea Small, V. 3
Alexander, golden, V. 2
Alfalfa, V. 2
Alicia, V. 2
Alismataceae, V. 3
Allamanda, wild, V. 2
Allegheny brookfoam, V. 1
Allegheny spurge, V. 1
Alligatorweed, V. 1
Allium brevistylum S. Watson, V. 3
Allium schoenoprasum Linnaeus, V. 3
Allium textile A. Nelson & J.F. Macbride, V. 3
Allium triquetrum Linnaeus, V. 3
Alnus alnobetula (Ehrh.) K.Koch, V. 1
Alpine anemone, V. 1
Alpine bittercress, V. 1
Alpine dustymaiden, V. 3
Alpine groundsel, rayless, V. 3
Alpine paintbrush, V. 2
Alpine shooting star, V. 1
Alpine speedwell, V. 2
Alpine sweetvetch, V. 2
Alpine willowherb, V. 2
Alsike clover, V. 2
Alternate-leaved dogwood, V. 2
Alternathera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.), V. 1
Alumroot, downy, V. 1
Alyce Clover, V. 2
Alysicarpus vaginalis (L.) DC., V. 2
Alyssum desertorum Stapf, V. 1
Alyssum, sweet, V. 1
Amaranthaceae, V. 1
Amauriopsis dissecta (A. Gray) Rydberg, V. 3
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nutt.) Nutt. ex M. Roem., V. 1
Amelanchier arborea (F. Michx.) Fernald, V. 1
Amelanchier bartramiana (Tausch) M. Roem., V. 1
Amelanchier interior E.L. Nielsen, V. 1
Amelanchier laevis Wiegand, V. 1
Amelanchier utahensis Koehne, V. 1
American beautyberry, V. 2
American bistort, V. 1
American cancer-root, V. 2
American dogwood, V. 2
American elderberry, V. 2
American hazelnut, V. 1
American holly, V. 2
American licorice, V. 2
American mountain ash
American trailplant, V. 3
American trout-lily, V. 3
American vetch, V. 2
Amianthium muscitoxicum (Walter) A. Gray, V. 3
Amorpha canescens Pursh, V. 2
Amphiachyris dracunculoides (de Candolle) Nuttal, V. 3
Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia (Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Ganders, V. 2
Amur Honeysuckle, V. 2
Anacardiaceae, V. 2
Anagallis arvensis L., V. 1
Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) Bentham & Hooker f., V. 3
Andropogon glomeratus (Walter) Britton, V. 3, p. 413
Anemone berlandieri Pritz., V. 1
Anemone drummondii S. Watson, V. 1
Anemone occidentalis S. Watson, V. 1
Anemone parviflora Michx., V. 1
Anemone virginiana L., V. 1
Anemone, alpine, V. 1
Anemone, northern, V. 1
Anemone, rue, V. 1
Anemone, ten-petal, V. 1
Anemonella thalictroides (L.) Spach, V. 1
Aniseroot, V. 2
Annona glabra L., V. 1
Annonaceae, V. 1
Anthophyta, V. 1
Antennaria dimorpha (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray, V. 3
Antennaria lantana (Hooker) Greene, V. 3
Antennaria microphylla Rydberg, V. 3
Antennaria neglecta Greene, V. 3
Antennaria parvifolia Nuttall, V. 3
Antennaria rosea Greene, V. 3
Apache Plume, V. 1
Apiaceae, V. 2
Aplectrum hyemale (Muhlenburg ex Willdenow) Nuttall, V. 3
Apocynaceae, V. 2
Applegates’s paintbrush, V. 2
Apple, gopher, V. 2
Apple, seven year, V. 2
Aquifoliaceae, V. 2
Aquilegia canadense L., V. 1
Aquilegia chrysantha A. Gray, V. 1
Aquilegia formosa Fisch. ex DC., V. 1
Araceae, V. 3
Arctic willow, V. 1
Arctostaphylos insularis Greene & Perry, V. 1
Arctostaphylos nevadensis A.Gray, V. 1
Arctostaphylos patula Greene, V. 1
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng., V. 1
Arecaceae, V. 3
Aralia californica S. Watson, V. 2, V. 1
Aralia nudicaulis L., V. 2, V. 1
Aralia spinosa L., V. 2
Araliaceae, V. 2
Arisaema dracontium (Linnaeus) Schott, V. 3
Arisaema triphyllum (Linnaeus) Schott, V. 3
Aristolochiaceae, V. 1
Arizona phacelia, V. 2
Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd., V. 1
Arnica, hairy, V. 3
Arnica mollis Hooker, V. 3
Arnica ovata Greene, V. 3
Arnica, sticky, V. 3
Arnoglossum floridanum (A. Gray) H. Robinson, V. 3
Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Pers., V. 1
Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliott, V. 1
Arrowhead, V. 3
Arrowhead, grassy, V. 3
Arrow-leaved balsamroot, V. 3
Arrowleaf ragwort, V. 3
Arroyo willow, V. 1
Artemisia californica Lessing, V. 3
Artemisia frigida Willdenow, V. 3
Artemesia tridentata Nuttall, V. 3
Artillery plant, V. 1
Aruncus dioicus (Walter) Fernald, V. 1
Asarum arifolium Michx. V. 1
Asarum candense L., V. 1
Asarum caudatum Lindl., V. 1
Asclepias curassavica L., V. 2, V. 1
Asclepias curtissii A. Gray, V. 2, V. 1
Asclepias exaltata L., V. 2
Asclepias humistrata Walter, V. 2
Asclepias pumila (A.Gray) Vail, V. 2
Asclepias speciosa Torr., V. 2
Ash, American mountain, V. 1
Ash, Cascade mountain, V. 1
Ash, common, V. 2
Ash, singeleaf, V. 2
Asiatic hawksbeard, V. 3
Asimina obovata (Willd.) Nash, V. 1
Aspen, quaking, V. 1
Aspidotis densa (Brack.) Lellinger, V. 1
Aspleniaceae, V. 1
Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb., V. 1
Asplenium radicans L., V. 1
Asteraceae, V. 3
Aster, Elliott’s, V. 3
Aster, golden, V. 3
Aster, heart-leafed, V. 3
Aster, hoary, V. 3
Aster, late purple, V. 33
Aster, leafybract, V. 3
Aster, mountain wood, V. 3
Aster, rigid whitetop, V. 3
Aster, scale-leaf, V. 3
Aster, thickstem, V. 3
Aster, white heath, V. 3
Aster, whitetop, V. 3
Astragalus agrestis G. Don, V. 2
Astragalus amphioxys A.Gray, V. 2
Astragalus desperatus M.E.Jones, V. 2
Astragalus gilviflorus Shelton, V. 2
Astragalus miguelensis Greene, V. 2
Astragalus missouriensis Nutt., V. 2
Astragalus newberryi A.Gray, V. 2
Astragalus oophorus var. caulescens (M.E.Jones) M.E.Jones, V. 2
Astragalus praelongus E. Shield, V. 2
Astragalus zionis M.E.Jones, V. 2
Atamasco lily, V. 3
Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt., V. 1
Avens, large-leaved, V. 1
Avens, white, V. 19
Avens, yellow, V. 1
Avens, yellow mountain, V. 1
Avicennia germinans (L.) L., V. 2
Azalea, p. V. 1
Azalea, flame, V. 1
Baby blue eyes, white, V. 2
Baccharis halimifolia L., V. 3
Baccharis pilularis de Candolle, V. 3
Baccharis salicina Torr. & A. Gray, V. 3
Baccharis, willow, V. 3
Bacon monnieri (L.) Wettst., V. 2
Bahama nightshade, V. 2
Bahia, ragleaf, V. 3
Bajada lupine, V. 2
Baker’s wild buckwheat, V. 16
Bald cypress, V. 1
Baldhead sandwort, V. 1
Ballhead waterleaf, V. 2
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nuttall, V. 3
Balsam-pear, V. 1
Balsamroot, arrow-leaved, V. 3
Baneberry, V. 1
Baptisia alba (L.) Vent., V. 2
Barbarea verna (Mill.) Asch. V. 1
Barberry, creeping, V. 1
Barberry, Fremont’s, V. 1
Barberry, red, V. 1
Barclay’s willow, V. 1
Barley, false, V. 3
Barley, foxtail, V. 3
Bastard toadflax, V. 2
Batchelor’s button, V. 2
Bay bean, V. 2
Bay cedar, V. 2
Bay lobelia, V. 2
Bay, red, V. 1
Bay, sweet bay, V. 1
Beachpea, V. 2
Beach spider lily, V. 3
Beach strawberry, V. 1
Beaked violet, V. 1
Bean, bay, V. 2
Bean, phasey, V. 2
Bean, wild, V. 2
Bearberry, V. 1
Beardstongue, V. 2
Beardstongue, creeping, V. 2
Beardstongue, many flower, V. 2
Beautyberry, American, V. 2
Bedstraw, V. 2
Bedstraw, sweet-scented2, V. 2
Bedstraw, graceful, V. 2
Bedstraw, shrubby, V. 2
Bedstraw, sweet-scented, V. 2
Beebalm, V. 2
Beebalm, crimson, V. 2
Beeblossom, southern, V. 2
Bellis perennis L., V. 3
Bellwort, sessile-leaf, V. 3
Berberidaceae, V. 1
Berberis aquifolium Pursh, V. 1
Berberis haematocarpa Wooton, V. 1
Berlandiera subacaulis (Nuttall) Nuttall, V. 3
Berberis repens Lindl. V. 1
Berry, Christmas, V. 1
Berry, white indigo, V. 2
Betulaceae, V. 1
Betula alleghaniensis Britton, V. 1
Betula papyrifera Marshall, V. 1
Bicolor lupine, V. 2
Bidens pilosa L., V. 3
Bigleaf maple, V. 2
Bignonia capreolata L., V. 2
Bignoniaceae, V. 2
Big pod ceanothus, V. 2
Big sagebrush, V. 3
Bindweed, field, V. 2
Bingen lupine, V. 2
Birch-leaved mahogany, V. 1
Birch-leaved spirea, V. 1
Birch, paper, V. 1
Birch, yellow, V. 1
Bird’s beak, saltmarsh, V. 2
Bird’s eye, V. 2
Bird’s foot treefoil, V. 2
Birdsfoot violet, V. 1
Biscuitroot, Gray’s, V. 2
Bishop’s cap, V. 1
Bistort, American, V. 1
Bistorta bistortoides (Pursh) Small, V. 1
Bitterbrush, V. 1
Bittercress, V. 1
Bittercress, alpine, V. 1
Bittercress, Idaho, V. 1
Bitter dock, V. 1
Blackbead, V. 2
Blackberry, California, V. 1
Blackberry, Pennsylvania, V. 1
Blackberry, sand, V. 1
Blackbrush, V. 1
Black cherry, V. 1
Black chokeberry, V. 1
Black clustered snakeroot, V. 2
Black cottonwood, V. 1
Black-eyed Susan, V. 3
Blackfoot daisy, V. 3
Black locust, V. 2
Black mangrove, V. 2
Black medic, V. 2
Black mustard, V. 1
Black torch, V. 2
Blackroot, V. 3
Bladder champion, V. 1
Bladdermallow, V. 1
Bladderpod, foothill, V. 1
Bladderpod, Gordon’s, V. 1
Bladderwort, floating, V. 2
Bladderwort, zigzag, V. 2
Blazing star, V. 3
Bleeding heart, Pacific, V. 1
Blighia sapida K.D. Koenig, V. 2
Blockhman’s liveforever, V. 1
Bloodroot, V. 1
Bluebell, lanceleaf, V. 2
Bluebell, mountain, V. 2, V. 1
Bluebell, Scotch, V. 2, V. 14
Bluebell, short-styled, V. 2
Bluebells, small, V. 2, V. 1
Bluebells, Spanish, V. 3
Blueberry, highbush, V. 1
Blueberry, hillside, V. 1
Blueberry, lowbush, V. 1
Blueberry, shiny, V. 1
Bluedicks, V. 3,
Blue elderberry, V. 21
Blue-eyed grass, V. 3
Blue-eyed grass, common, V. 3
Blue-eyed grass, Idaho, V. 3
Blue-eyed Mary, V. 2
Blue eyes, white baby, V. 2
Blue field madder, V. 2
Blue fiesta flower, V. 2
Blue flax, V. 2
Bluehearts, V. 2
Blue-leaved cinquefoil, V. 1
Blue mustard, V. 1
Blue phlox, V. 2
Blue stickseed, V. 2
Bluets, V. 2
Bluets, prostrate, V. 2
Bluets, purple, V. 2
Blue vervain, V. 27
Blue witch, V. 2
Blunt-leaved sandwort, V. 1
Boechera divaricarpa (A. Nelson) Á. Löve & D Löve, V. 1
Boechera fendleri (S. Waston) W.A. Weber, V. 1
Boechera holboellii (Hornem.) Á. Löve & D Löve, V. 1
Boechera perennans (S. Watson) W.A. Weber, V. 1
Boechera retrofracta (Graham) Á. Löve & D Löve, V. 1
Boerhavia diffusa L., V. 1
Boerhavia purpurescens A. Gray, V. 1
Bog cranberry, V. 1
Bog orchid, slender, V. 3
Bog orchid, white, V. 3
Bog saxifrage, V. 1
Boneset, V. 3
Boraginaceae, V. 2
Borrichia arborescens (L.) de Candolle, V. 3
Borrichia frutescens (L.) de Candolle, V. 3
Boston fern, V. 1
Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw., V. 1, p. 61
Bottle palm, V. 3, V. 1
Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths, V. 3
Bouvardia ternifolia (Cav.) Schltdl., V. 2
Bowman’s root, V. 1
Boxelder, V. 2, V. 1
Boxwood, Oregon, V. 2
Boykinia acontifolia Nutt., V. 1
Bracken fern, V. 1
Bracken fern2, V. 1
Bracted honeysuckle, V. 2
Bramble, dwarf, V. 1
Brassicaceae, V. 1
Brassica napus L., V. 1
Brassica nigra (L.) K.Koch, V. 1
Brassica rapa L., V. 1
Briar, sensitive, V. 2
Brickelbush, V. 3
Brickellia californica (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray, V. 3
Bristlecone pine, Great Basin, V. 1
Bristleseed yellow star grass, V. 3
Bristly locust, V. 2
Brittlebush, V. 3
Brizia maxima Linnaeus, V. 3
Broadleaf forget-me-not, V. 2
Broadleaf lupine, V. 2
Broadleaf lupine2, V. 2
Bromeliaceae, V. 3
Brookfoam, Allegheny, V. 1
Brook lettuce, V. 1
Broom, French, V. 2
Broom sedge, V. 3
Broom snakeweed, V. 3
Broomweed, false annual, V. 3
Bromus tectorum L., V. 3
Brown-eyed primrose, V. 2
Brush, buck, V. 2
Brushland shrub verbena, V. 2
Buchnera americana L., V. 2
Buck brush, V. 2
Buckeye, Mexican, V. 2
Buckeye, yellow, V. 2
Buckhorn cholla, V. 1
Buckwheat, Baker’s wild, V. 1
Buckwheat, Chisos Mountain, V. 1
Buckwheat, coastal, V. 1
Buckwheat, cushion, V. 1
Buckwheat, cushion wild, V. 1
Buckwheat, island, V. 1
Buckwheat, marumleaf, V. 1
Buckwheat, redtop, V. 1
Buckwheat, sand, V. 1
Buckwheat, Santa Cruz Island, V. 1
Buckwheat, slender, V. 1
Buckwheat, sulfur, V. 1
Buckwheat, wild, V. 1
Buckwheat, yellow, V. 1
Buffaloberry, Canada, V. 1
Buffalo bur, V. 2
Bugle, carpet, V. 2
Bugloss, giant viper’s, V. 2
Bulbous buttercup
Bull thistle, V. 3
Bur, buffalo, V. 2
Bur buttercup, V. 1
Bur clover, V. 2
Bur mallow, V. 1
Bunchberry, V. 2
Bush, creosote, V. 2
Bush, firecracker, V. 2
Bush honeysuckle, V. 2
Bushmallow, V. 1
Bush, strawberry, V. 2
Bush sunflower, V. 3
Buttercup, bulbous, V. 1
Buttercup, bur, V. 1
Buttercup, California, V. 1
Buttercup, creeping, V. 1
Buttercup, hairy, V. 1
Buttercup, meadow, V. 1
Buttercup, plantain leaf, V. 1
Buttercup, sagebrush, V. 1
Buttercup, small-flowered, V. 1
Buttercup Suksdorfia, V. 1
Buttercup, western, V. 1
Butterfly pea, V. 2
Butterfly pea2, V. 2
Butterfly weed, Mexican, V. 2
Butterweed, V. 3
Buttonbush, V. 2
Buttonweed, false, V. 2
Buttonwood, V. 1
Buxaceae, V. 1
Cabbage palm, V. 3
Cactaceae, V. 1
Cactus, buckhorn cholla, V. 1
Cactus, chain-fruit cholla, V. 1
Cactus, claretcup, V. 1
Cactus, coastal pricklypear, V. 1
Cactus, hedgehog, V. 1
Cactus, pencil cholla, V. 1
Cactus, pencil cholla2, V. 1
Cactus, plains pricklypear, V. 1
Cactus, pricklypear, V. 1
Cactus, saguaro, V. 1
Cactus, silver cholla, V. 1
Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb., V. 2
Cakile edentula (Bigelow) Hook. V. 1
Calandrinia ciliata (Ruiz & Pavón) de Candolle, V. 1
California blackberry, V. 1
California buttercup, V. 1
California fuchsia, V. 2
California juniper, V. 1
California lomatium, V. 2
California maidenhair fern, V. 1
California manroot, V. 1
California poppy, V. 1
California spikenard, V. 2
California thistle, V. 3
Calliandra eriophylla (Benth.) Shehbaz, V. 2
Callicarpa americana L., V. 2
Calochortus gunnisonii S. Watson, V. 3
Caltha palustris L., V. 1
Calycanthaceae, V. 1
Calycanthus floridus L., V. 1
Calyptocarpus vialis Lessing, V. 3
Calystegia macrostegia (Greene) Brummitt, V. 2
Camas, meadow death, V. 3
Campanulaceae, V. 2
Campanula divaricata Michx, V. 2
Campanula rotundifolia L., V. 2
Camphorweed, V. 3
Campsis radicans (L.) Seem., V. 2
Canada buffaloberry, V. 1
Canada mayflower, V. 3
Canada thistle, V. 3
Canada violet, V. 1
Canadian gooseberry, V. 1
Canaigre, V. 1
Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC., V. 2
Cancer-root, American, V. 2
Candleholder dudleya, V. 1
Candytuft, wild, V. 1
Canterbury bell, desert, V. 2
Canyon grape, V. 2
Canyon larkspur, V. 1
Canyon maple, V. 2
Capraria biflora L., V. 2
Caprifoliaceae, V. 2
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., V. 1
Cardamine bellidifolia L., V. 1
Cardamine californica (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Greene, V. 1
Cardamine concatenata (Michx.) O. Schwarz, V. 1
Cardamine nuttallii Greene, V. 1
Cardamine oligosperma Nutt., V. 1
Cardimine thistle, V. 3
Cardinal monkeyflower, V. 2
Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britton & Rose, V. 1
Carphephorus corymbosus (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray, V. 3
Carpobrotus chilensis (Molina) N.E. Brown, V. 1
Carduus pycnocelphalus Linnaeus, V. 3
Carolina geranium, V. 2
Carolina jasmine, V. 2
Carolina ponyfoot, V. 2
Carpet bugle, V. 2
Carya floridana Sarg., V. 1
Caryophyllaceae, V. 1
Casasia clusifolia (Jacq.) Urb., V. 2
Cascade mountain ash, V. 1
Castilleja affinis Hook. & Arn., V. 2
Castilleja angustifolia (Nuttall) G. Don, V. 2
Castilleja appelgatei Fernald, V. 2
Castilleja attenuata (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & Heckard, V. 2
Castilleja foliolosa Hook. & Arn., V. 2
Castilleja hispida Benth. ex Hook., V. 2
Castilleja hololeuca Greene, V. 2
Castilleja rhexifolia Rydb., V. 2
Catawba rhododendron, V. 1
Catbrier, V. 3
Catesby’s trillium, V. 3
Ceanothus arboreus Greene, V. 2
Ceanothus, big pod, V. 2
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt., V. 2
Ceanothus megacarpus Nutt., V. 2
Ceanothus, snobbish, V. 2
Ceanothus velutinus Douglas ex Hook., V. 2
Cedar, bay, V. 2
Cedar, northern white, V. 1
Cedar, western red, V. 1
Celastraceae, V. 2
Centaurea stoebe L. subsp. micranthos(S.G. Gmelin ex Gugler) Hayek, V. 3
Centrosema virginianum (L.) Bentham, V. 2
Century plant, V. 3
Cephalanthus occidentalis L., V. 2
Cerastium arvense L., V. 1
Cercidium microphyllum (Torrey) Rose & I.M. Johnston, V. 2
Cercis canadensis L., V. 2
Cercocarpus intricatus S. Watson, V. 1
Cercocarpus montanus var. glaber (S.Watson) F.L.Martin, V. 1
Chaenactis douglasii (Hooker) Hooker & Arnott var. douglasii, V. 3
Chaenactis stevioides Hooker & Arnott, V. 3
Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. & Arn., V. 2
Chaerophyllum temulum L., V. 2
Chamaesaracha pallida Averett, V. 2
Chaetopappa effusa (A. Gray) Shinners, V. 3
Chain-fruit cholla, V. 1
Chamaebatiaria millefolium (Torr.) Maxim., V. 1
Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx.) Greene, V. 2
Champion, bladder, V. 1
Champion, Parry’s, V. 1
Champion, white, V. 1
Chapmannia floridana Torr. & A.Gray, V. 2
Chapman’s oak, V. 1
Chapman’s St. John’s wort, V. 1
Chapman’s pea, V. 2
Charlock mustard, V. 1
Cheatgrass, V. 3
Checkerlily, V. 3
Cheeseweed, V. 1
Cheesytoes, V. 2
Chelianthes eatonii Baker, V. 1
Chelianthes gracillima D.C. Eaton, V. 1
Chenopodium californicum (S. Watson) S. Watson, V. 1
Chenopodium glaucum L., V. 1
Cherry, Alabama, V. 1
Cherry, black, V. 1
Cherry, choke, V. 1
Cherry, island, V. 1
Cherry, pin, V. 1
Chervil, rough, V. 2
Chervil, wild, V. 2
Chickweed, Core’s, V. 1
Chickweed, field, V. 1
Chickweed, lessser, V. 1
Chickweed, star, V. 1
Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh, V. 1
Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Nutt., V. 1
Chicory, V. 3
Chicory, desert, V. 3
Chionanthus virginicus L., V. 2
Chisos Mountain buckwheat, V. 1
Chives, wild, V. 3
Chloropyron maritimum (Nutt. ex Benth.) A. Heller, V. 2
Chokeberry, black, V. 1
Chokeberry, red, V. 1
Choke cherry, V. 1
Cholla, buckhorn, V. 1
Cholla, chain-fruit, V. 1
Cholla, pencil, V. 1
Cholla, pencil2, V. 1
Cholla, silver, V. 1
Chorispora tenella (Pall.) DC., V. 1
Christmas berry, V. 1
Chrysobalanaceae, V. 2
Chrysobalanus icaco L., V. 2
Chrysothamnus greenei (A. Gray) Greene, V. 3
Chylismia brevipes (A. Gray) Small, V. 2
Chylismia claviformis (Torrey & Frem.) A. Heller, V. 2
Cichorium intybus L., V. 3
Cinnamon fern, V. 1
Cinquefoil, blue-leaved, V. 1
Cinquefoil, common, V. 1
Cinquefoil, dwarf, V. 1
Cinquefoil geranium, V. 2
Cinquefoil, shrubby, V. 1
Cinquefoil, three-toothed, V. 1
Cinquefoil, white, V. 1
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., V. 3
Cirsium arizonicum (A. Gray) Petrak var. bipinnatum (Eastw.) D.J. Keil), V. 3
Cirsium horridulum Michx., V. 3
Cirsium neomexicanum A. Gray, V. 3, p. 2
Cirsium nuttallii DC., V. 3
Cirsium occidentale (Nuttall) Jepson, V. 3
Cirsium scariosum Nuttall, V. 3
Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten., V. 3
Cistanthe umbellata (Torr.) Hershkovitz, V. 1
Claretcup cactus, V. 1
Clasping-leaved twisted stalk, V. 3
Claytonia lanceolata Pursh, V. 1
Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd, V. 1
Claytonia viriginca L., V. 1
Clematis drummondii (Torr. & A. Gray), V. 1
Clematis pitcheri Torr. & A. Gray, V. 1
Clerodendrum quadriloculare (Blanco) Merr., V. 21
Cliff desert dandelion, V. 3
Cliffrose, V. 1
Climbing hempvine, V. 3
Clintonia umbellata (Michaux) Morong, V. 3
Clinton’s lily, V. 3
Clitoria mariana L., V. 2
Clover, alsike, V. 2
Clover, alyce, V. 2
Clover, burr, V. 2
Clover, dwarf, V. 2
Clover, red, V. 2
Clover, sand, V. 2
Clover, white, V. 2
Clover, white prairie, V. 2
Clubmoss, flat-branched tree, V. 1
Clubmoss, ground cedar, V. 1
Clubmoss, running cedar, V. 1
Clubmoss, running, V. 1
Clubmoss, tree ground pine, V. 1
Clubmosses, V. 1
Cnidoscolus urens var. stimulosus (Michx.) Govaerts, V. 2
Coachwhip, V. 2
Coastal buckwheat, V. 1
Coastal plains staggerbush, V. 1
Coastal plain yellowtops, V. 3
Coastal pricklypear, V. 1
Coastal redwood, V. 1
Coastal sagebrush, V. 3
Coast live oak, V. 1
Coast paintbrush, V. 2
Coastal germander, V. 2
Coastal morning glory, V. 2
Coastal willow, V. 1
Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L., V. 1
Coccothrinax argentata (Jacquin) L.H. Bailey, V. 3
Cock’s head, V. 2
Cocoplum, V. 2
Coffee, wild, V. 2
Coin vine, V. 2
Coleogyne ramosissima Torr., V. 1
Colic-root, yellow, V. 3
Collinsia parviflora Douglas ex Lindl., V. 2
Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl., V. 2
Collomia, large-flowered, V. 2
Coltsfoot, V. 3
Columbia monkshood, V. 1
Columbine, V. 1
Columbine, golden, V. 1
Columbine, western, V. 1
Comandraceae, V. 2
Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt., V. 2
Combretaceae, V. 1
Comfrey, wild, V. 2
Commelinaceae, V. 3
Commelina diffusa Burman, V. 3
Commelina erecta Linnaeus, V. 3
Common ash, V. 2
Common blue-eyed grass, V. 3
Common blue violet, V. 1
Common cinquefoil, V. 1
Common dudlyea, V. 1
Common globemallow, V. 1
Common horsetail, V. 1
Common hound’s tongue, V. 2
Common mustard, V. 1
Common paintbrush, V. 2
Common polypody, V. 1
Common pussytoes, V. 3
Common scouring rush, V. 1
Common serviceberry, V. 1
Common snowberry, V. 2
Common sunflower, V. 3
Common yellow elder, V. 2
Compositae, V. 3
Condalia warnockii M.C. Johnst., V. 2
Coneflower, prairie, V. 3
Coneflower, purple, V. 3
Coniferophyta, V. 1
Conocarpus erectus L., V. 1
Conoclinum coelestinum (L.) de Candolle, V. 3
Conoclinum dissectum A. Gray, V. 3
Conopholis americana (L.) Wallroth, V. 2
Convolvulaceae, V. 2
Convolvulus arvensis L., V. 2
Coontie, V. 1
Coralbean, V. 2
Corallohriza mertensiana Bongard, V. 3
Coralroot, Western, V. 3
Coreopsis, giant, V. 3
Coreopsis gigantea (Kellogg) H.M. Hall, V. 3
Coreopsis gladiata Walter, V. 3
Core’s chickweed, V. 1
Corkystem passionflower, V. 1
Cornaceae, V. 2
Cornsalad, V. 2
Cornus alternifolia L.f., V. 2
Cornus canadensis L., V. 2
Cornus florida L., V. 2
Cornus foemina Mill., V. 2
Cornus sericea L., V. 2
Corydalis aurea Willd., V. 1
Corydalis micrantha (Engelm. ex A. Gray) A. Gray ex Count), V. 1
Corylus americana Walter, V. 1
Cotton thorn, V. 3
Cottonweed, V. 1
Cottonwood, black, V. 1
Cottonwood, Fremont’s, V. 1
Coulter's hibiscus, V. 1
Coulter’s lupine, V. 2
Cow parsnip, V. 2
Cowpea, V. 2
Coyotebrush, V. 3
Cranberry, bog, V. 1
Cranberry, highbush, V. 2
Cranberry, highbush2, V. 2
Crassulaceae, V. 1
Crataegus monogyna Jacq., V. 1
Crataegus punctata Jacq., V. 1
Crataegus uniflora Münchh., V. 1
Crazyweed, Lambert, V. 2
Creeper, Virginia, V. 2
Creeping barberry, V. 1
Creeping beardstongue, V. 2
Creeping buttercup, V. 1
Creeping juniper, V. 1
Creeping raspberry, V. 1
Creeping snowberry, V. 2
Creeping phlox, V. 2
Crepis atribarba A. Heller, V. 3
Creosote bush, V. 2
Crescent milkvetch, V. 2
Cress, winter, V. 1
Crested wheatgrass, V. 3
Crimson beebalm, V. 2
Crinum americanum Linnaeus, V. 3
Crocosima x crocosimiiflora (Lemoine) N.E. Brown, V. 3
Cross vine, V. 2
Crotalaria pallida Aiton, V. 2
Crotalaria spectabilis Roth, V. 2
Croton argyranthemus Michx, V. 2
Croton, silver, V. 2
Crownbeard, white, V. 3
Crown vetch, V. 2
Crucillo, Mexican, V. 2
Cryptantha, V. 2
Cryptanth, pine, V. 2
Cryptanth, yellow-eye, V. 2
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene, V. 2
Cryptantha flava (A. Nelson) Payson, V. 2
Cryptantha flavoculata (A.Nelson) Payson, V. 2
Cryptantha pterocarpa (Torr.) Greene, V. 2
Cryptantha simulans Greene, V. 2
Cryptantha, yellow, V. 2
Cucumber, Indian, V. 3
Cucurbitaceae, V. 1
Cupressaceae, V. 1
Cupressaceae2, V. 1
Cupressus, V. 1
Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw., V. 1
Cupseed stickseed, V. 2
Curly-top gumweed, V. 3
Currant, golden, V. 1
Currant, maple-leaf, V. 1
Currant, northern red, V. 1
Currant, prickly, V. 1
Currant, red flowered, V. 1
Currant, wax, V. 1
Curtiss’ milkweed, V. 2
Cushion buckwheat, V. 1
Cushion wild buckwheat, V. 1
Custard apple, V. 1
Cutleaf evening primrose, V. 2
Cutleaf geranium, V. 2
Cut-leaf toothwort, V. 1
Cycadophyta, V. 1
Cycads, V. 1
Cylindropuntia acanthocarpa (Engelm. & J.M. Bigelow), V. 1
Cylindropuntia arbuscula (Engelm.) F.M. Kunth), V. 1
Cylindropuntia echinocarpa (Engelm. & J.M. Bigelow) F.M. Kunth, V. 1
Cylindropuntia fulgida (Engelm.) F.M. Kunth, V. 1
Cylindropuntia ramosissima (Engelm.) F.M. Kunth, V. 1
Cymbalaria muralis subsp. muralis P.Taetn.,B.Mey. & Scherb., V. 2
Cymopterus anisatus A. Gray, V. 2
Cymopterus lemmonii (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Dorn, V. 2
Cymopterus terebinthinus var. foeniculaceus (Torrey & A.Gray) Cronquist, V. 2
Cynanchum northropiae (Schltr.) Alain, V. 2
Cynoglossum officinale L., V. 2
Cynoglossum virginianum L., V. 2
Cyperaceae, V. 3
Cypress, bald, V. 1
Cypress, Monterey, V. 1
Cypripedium acaule Aiton, V. 3
Cystopteris fragilis (Linnaeus) Bernhardi, V. 1
Daisy, Blackfoot, V. 3
Daisy, English, V. 3
Daisy, false, V. 3
Daisy fleabane, V. 3
Daisy, ox-eye, V. 3
Daisy, sea oxeye, V. 3
Daisy, sea oxeye2, V. 3
Daisy, seaside, V. 3
Dakota vervain, V. 2
Dalbergia ecastaphyllum (L.) Taub., V. 2
Dalea candida Willd., V. 2
Dalea purpurea Vent., V. 2
Dalmation toadflax, V. 2
Dame’s rocket, V. 1
Dandelion, V. 3
Dandelion, cliff desert, V. 3
Dandelion, dwarf, V. 3
Dandelion, false, V. 3
Dasiphora fruticosa (L.) Rydb., V. 1
Daucus carota L., V. 2
Davidson’s penstemon, V. 2
Davis’ knotweed, V. 1
Dayflower, V. 3
Dayflower, erect, V. 3
Dead-nettle, white, V. 2
Death camas, meadow, V. 3
Deerberry, V. 1
Delphinium glaucum S. Waston, V. 1
Delphinium nudicaule Torr. & A. Gray, V. 1
Delphinium patens Benth., V. 1
Dennstaedtiaceae, V. 1
Desert Canterbury bell, V. 2
Desert chicory, V. 3
Desert five-spot, V. 1
Desert gold, V. 1
Desert ironwood, V. 2
Desert madwort, V. 1
Desert mistletoe, V. 2
Desert parsley, V. 2
Desert parsley, woolyfruit, V. 2
Desert phlox, V. 2
Desert rose mallow, V. 1
Desert sage, V. 2
Desert sunflower, V. 3
Desert trumpet, V. 1
Desert zinnia, V. 3
Devil’s club, V. 23
Devil’s lettuce, V. 2
Devil’s walking stick, V. 2
Diapensiaceae, V. 1
Dicentra formosa (Haw.) Walp., V. 1
Dichanthelium commutatum (Schult.) Gould, V. 3
Dichelostemma capitatum (Bentham) Alph. Wood, V. 3
Dichondra carolinensis Michx., V. 2
Dieteria canescens (Pursh) Nuttall, V. 3
Dillen’s oxalis, V. 2
Diodella teres (Walter) Small, V. 2
Diodia, V. 2
Diodia2, V. 2
Diodia virginana L., V. 2
Dioscoreaceae, V. 3
Dioscorea villas Linnaeus, V. 3
Diphasiastrum companatum (L.) Holub., V. 1
Diphasiastrum digitatum (Dill.) Holub., V. 1
Diphylleia cymosa Michaux, V. 1
Diplacus aurantiacus (Curtis) Jepson, V. 2
Dock, bitter, V. 1
Dock, sour, V. 1
Dock, western, V. 1
Dodecatheon alpinum (A.Gray) Greene, V. 1
Dodecatheon cleavelandii subs. patulum (Greene) H.J.Thomps., V. 1
Dodecatheon hendersonii A.Gray, V. 1
Dodecatheon pulchellum (Raf.) Merr., V. 1
Dog-hobble, V. 1
Dogwood, alternate-leaved, V. 2
Dogwood, American, V. 2
Dogwood, redosier, V. 2
Dogwood, swamp, V. 2
Doll’s Eyes, V. 1
Dotted hawthorne, V. 1
Dove’s foot geranium, V. 2
Downy agrimony, V. 1
Downy alumroot, V. 1
Downy yellow violet, V. 1
Draba inserta Payson, V. 1
Draba, spring, V. 1
Draba verna Linnaeus, V. 1
Draba, Yellowstone, V. 1
Drummond’s skullcap, V. 2
Dryas drummondii Richardson ex Hooke, V. 1
Drymaria cordata (L.) Willd. ex Schult., V. 1
Drymary, V. 1
Dryopteridaceae, V. 1
Dudleya blochmanae (Eastw.) Moran, V. 1
Dudleya, candleholder, V. 1
Dudleya candelabrum Rose, V. 1
Dudlyea, common, V. 1
Dudleya cymosa (Lem.) Britton & Rose, V. 1
Dune lupine, V. 2
Dune willow, V. 1
Dustymaiden, alpine, V. 3
Dwarf bramble, V. 1
Dwarf cinquefoil, V. 1
Dwarf clover, V. 2
Dwarf crested iris, V. 3
Dwarf dandelions, V. 3
Dwarf evening primrose, V. 2
Dwarf lupine, V. 2
Dwarf Lupine2, V. 2
Dwarf palmetto, V. 3
Dyschoriste schiedeana (Nees) Kuntze, V. 2
Early blue violet, V. 1
Early blue violet2, V. 1
Eastern spring beauty, V. 1
Eastern waterleaf, V. 2
Eaton’s lipfern, V. 1
Eaton’s penstemon, V. 2
Ebony spleenwort fern, V. 1
Echinacea angustifolia de Candolle, V. 3
Echinocereus fasciculatus (Engelm. ex B.D. Jacks.) L.D. Benson, V. 1
Echinocerus triglochidiatus Engelm., V. 1
Echium pininana Webb & Berthel., V. 2
Eclipta prostrata (L.) L., V. 3
Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms, V. 3
Egg milkvetch, V. 2
Elaeagnaceae, V. 1
Elaeagnus angustifolia L., V. 1
Elaeagnus commutata Bernh. ex Rydb., V. 1
Elderberry, American, V. 2
Elderberry, blue, V. 2
Elderberry, red, V. 2
Elephantopus tomentosus Raeuschel, V. 3
Elephant’s foot, V. 3
Elephant heads, V. 2
Elliott’s aster, V. 3
Elliott’s milkpea, V. 2
Elk thistle, V. 3
Emilia fosbergii Nicolson, V. 3
Emilia sonchifolia (L.) de Candolle, V. 3
Encelia californica Nuttall, V. 3
Encelia farinosa A. Gray ex Torrey, V. 3
Enceliopsis nudicaulis (A. Gray) A. Nelson, V. 3
Engelmann spruce, V. 1
English daisy, V. 3
Erect dayflower, V. 3
English plantain, V. 2
Epilobium anagallidifolium Lam., V. 2
Epilobium angustifolium L., V. 2
Epilobium canum (Greene) P.H. Raven, V. 2
Epilobium latifolium L., V. 2
Equisetaceae, V. 1
Equisetales, V. 1
Equisetophyta, V. 1
Equisetum arvense L., V. 1
Equisetum telmateia subsp. braunii (J. Milde) Hauke, V. 1
Equisetum hymaele L., V. 1
Equisetum sylvaticum L., V. 1
Eremalche rotundifolia (A.Gray) Greene, V. 1
Eremogone capillaris var. americana (Maguire) R.L. Hartm. & Rabeler, V. 1
Eremogone congesta (Nutt. ex Torr & A. Gray) Ikonn., V. 1
Eremogone fendleri (A. Gray) Ikonn., V. 1
Eremogone pumicola (Coville & Leiberg) Ikonn., V. 1
Ericaceae, V. 1
Ericameria nauseosa (Pallax ex Pursh) G.L.Nesom, V. 3
Ericameria suffructicosa (Nuttall) G.L.Nesom, V. 3
Eriastrum diffusum (A. Gray) H.Mason, V. 2
Erigeron annuus (L.) Persoon, V. 3
Erigeron concinnus (Hooker & Arnott) Torrey & A. Gray, V. 3
Erigeron foliosus Nuttall, V. 3
Erigeron glacialis (Nuttall) A. Nelson, V. 3
Erigeron glaucus Ker Gawler, V. 3
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greene, V. 3
Erigeron philadelphicus L., V. 3
Erigeron pulchellus Michaux, V. 3
Erigeron quercifolius L., V. 3
Erigeron sionis Cronquist, V. 3
Eriocaulaceae, V. 3
Eriogonum arborescens Greene, V. 1
Eriogonum arcuatum Greene, V. 1
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth., V. 1
Eriogonum flavum Nutt. ex Benth., V. 1
Eriogonum grande Greene, V. 1
Eriogonum hemipterum (Torr. & A. Gray) S. Stokes, V. 1
Eriogonum inflatum Torr., V. 1
Eriogonum latifolium Sm., V. 1
Eriogonum leptocladon Torrey & A. Gray, V. 1
Eriogonum marifolium A. Gray, V. 1
Eriogonum microthecum Nutt., V. 1
Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt., V. 1
Eriogonum ovalifolium var. nivale (Canby) M.E. Jones, V. 1
Eriogonum tomentosum Michx., V. 1
Eriogonum umbellatum Torr., V. 1
Eriophyllum staechadifolium Lagasca, V. 3
Erithalis fruticosa Linnaeus, V. 2
Erodium botrys (Cav.) Bertol., V. 2
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Hér., V. 2
Eryngium aromaticum Baldwin, V. 2
Eryngo, fragrant, V. 2
Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC., V. 1
Erythranthe alsinoides Douglas ex Benth., V. 2
Erythranthe cardinalis (Douglas ex Benth.) Spach, V. 2
Erythranthe guttata (de Candolle) G.L. Nesom, V. 2
Erythranthe lewisii (Pursh) G.L.Nesom & N.S. Fraga, V. 2
Erythranthe tilingii (Regel) G.L. Nesom, V. 2
Erythrina herbacea L., V. 2
Erythronium americanum Ker Gawler, V. 3
Erythronium grandiflorum Pursh, V. 3
Eschscholzia californica Cham., V. 1
Eschscholzia glyptosperma Greene, V. 1
Esteve’s pincushion, V. 3
Eugenia foetida Persoon, V. 2
Euonymous americanus L., V. 2
Eupatorium album L. var. album, V. 3
Euphorbiaceae, V. 2
Euphorbia cyathophora Murray, V. 2
Euphorbia dentata Michx., V. 2
Euphorbia escula L., V. 2
Euphorbia marginata Pursh, V. 2
Eurybia chlorolepis (E.S. Burgess) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Eurybia integrifolia (Nuttall) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Evening primrose, V. 2
Evening primrose2, V. 2
Evening primrose3, V. 2
Everlasting pea, V. 2
Everlasting, pearly, V. 3
Eysenhartia texana Scheele, V. 2
Fabaceae, V. 2
Fagaceae, V. 1
Fairybells, Hooker’s, V. 3
Fairybell, rough-fruited, V. 3
Fairybells, Smith’s, V. 3
Fairyduster, V. 2
Fairy footprints, V. 2
Fallugia paradoxia (D.Don) Endl. ex Torr., V. 1
False annual broomweed, V. 3
False barley, V. 3
False buttonweed, V. 2
False daisy, V. 3
False dandelion, V. 3
False garlic, V. 3
False hellebore, V. 3
False lily-of-the-valley, V. 3
False Solomon’s seal, V. 3
False Solomon’s seal2, V. 3
False sunflower, Florida, V. 3
Fanpetals, fringed, V. 1
Felt-leaved wild lilac, V. 2
Fendler’s sandwort, V. 1
Fern, Boston, V. 1
Fern, bracken, V. 1
Fern, bracken2, V. 1
Fern Bush, V. 1
Fern, California maidenhair, V. 1
Fern, cinnamon, V. 1
Fern, fragile, V. 1
Fern, giant leather, V. 1
Fern, Indian’s dream, V. 1
Fern, lace lip, V. 1
Fern, Eaton’s lipfern, V. 1
Fern, maidenhair, V. 1
Fern, maidenhair2, V. 1
Fern, maidenhair3∘, V. 1
Fern, ovate cliffbrake, V. 1
Fern, pod, V. 1
Fern, rattlesnake, V. 1
Fern, regal, V. 1
Fern, resurrection, V. 1
Fern, walking, V. 1
Ferm, whisk, V. 1
Fescue sandwort, V. 1
Field bindweed, V. 2
Field chickweed, V. 1
Field locoweed, V. 2
Field pennycress, V. 1
Field pussytoes, V. 3
Fiesta flower, blue, V. 2
Filaree, red-stemmed, V. 2
Filbert, V. 1
Firebush, V. 2
Firecracker bush, V. 2
Fire-on-the-Mountain, V. 2
Fire pink, V. 1
Fireweed, V. 2
Fir, white, V. 1
Five eyes, V. 2
Five-spot, desert, V. 1
Flame azalea, V. 1
Flat-branched tree clubmoss, V. 1
Flaveria linearis Lagasca, V. 3
Flax, blue, V. 2
Fleabane, daisy, V. 3
Fleabane, hairy, V. 3
Fleabane, leafy, V. 3
Fleabane, oakleaf, V. 3
Fleabane, Philadelphia, V. 3
Fleabane, smooth, V. 3
Fleabane, subalpine, V. 3
Fleabane, tidy, V. 3
Fleabane, wandering, V. 3
Fleabane, Zion, V. 3
Floating bladderwort, V. 2
Florida hammock milkpea, V. 28
Florida false sunflower, V. 3
Florida greeneyes, V. 3
Florida Indian plantain, V. 3
Florida paintbrush, V. 3
Florida pellitory, V. 1
Florida pinkroot, V. 2
Florida slash pine, V. 1
Florida thatch palm, V. 3
Flowering spurge, V. 2
Fly poison, V. 3
Foamflower, V. 1
Foamflower2, V. 1
Foothill bladderpod, V. 1
Footprints, fairy, V. 2
Forget-Me-Not, broadleaf, V. 2
Fouquieriaceae, V. 2
Fouquieria splendens Engelm, V. 2
Four-O’Clock, wild, V. 1
Fourpetal St. John’s wort, V. 10
Four-winged saltbush, V. 1
Foxtail barley, V. 3
Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Mill., V. 1
Fragaria vesca L., V. 1
Fragaria virginica Mill., V. 1
Fragile fern, V. 1
Fragrant eryngo, V. 2
Fragrant sand verbena, V. 1
Fragrant swallowwort, V. 2
Fraxinus anomala Torr. ex S. Watson, V. 2
Fraxinus excelsior L., V. 22
Fremont’s barberry, V. 1
Fremont’s cottonwood, V. 1
Fremont’s peppergrass, V. 1
French Broom, V. 2
Fringed fanpetals, V. 1
Fringed Grass-of-Parnassus, V. 2
Fringed gentian, Rocky Mountain, V. 2
Fringed gromwell, V. 2
Fringed phacelia, V. 2
Fringed sage, V. 3
Fringetree, V. 2
Fritallaria affinis (Schultes & Schultes f.) Sealy, V. 3
Froelichia floridana (Nutt.) Moq., V. 1
Fuchsia, California, V. 2
Fumaria capreolata L., V. 1
Fumaria officinalis L., V. 1
Fumitory, V. 1
Fumitory, white ramping, V. 1
Gairdner’s yompah, V. 2
Galactia elliottii Nutt., V. 2
Galactia regularis (L.) Britton & al., V. 2
Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urb., V. 2
Galax, V. 1
Galax urceolata (Poir.) Brummitt, V. 1
Galearis spectabilis (Linnaeus) Rafinesque, V. 3
Galium aparine L., V. 2
Galium multiflorum Kellogg, V. 2
Galium obtusum Bigelow, V. 2
Galium odoratum (L.) Scop., V. 2
Galium porrigens Dempster, V. 2
Galium triflorum Michx., V. 2
Gallberry, V. 2
Gambel oak, V. 1
Gamma grass, V. 3
Garberia, V. 3
Garberia heterophylla (W. Bartram) Merrill & F. Harper, V. 3
Garden phlox, V. 2
Garlic, false, V. 3
Garlic, three-cornered, V. 3
Gaultheria shallon Pursh, V. 1
Gaura angustifolia Michaux, V. 2
Gelsemiaceae, V. 2
Gelsemium sempervirens (L.) J.St.-Hil., V. 2
Genista monspessulana (L.) L.A.S. Johnson, V. 2
Gentianaceae, V. 2
Gentianella amarella (L.) Harry Sm., V. 2
Gentian, northern, V. 2
Gentianopsis thermalis (Kuntze) H.H. Iltis, V. 2
Gentian, Rocky Mountain fringed, V. 2
Geraea canescens Torrey & A. Gray, V. 3
Geraniaceae, V. 2
Geranium, Carolina, V. 2
Geranium carolinianum L., V. 2
Geranium, cinquefoil, V. 2
Geranium, cutleaf, V. 2
Geranium dissectum L., V. 2
Geranium, dove’s foot, V. 2
Geranium maculatum L., V. 2
Geranium molle L., V. 2
Geranium potentilloides L’Hér ex DC, V. 2
Geranium robertianum L., V. 2
Geranium, Robert’s, V. 2
Geranium, sticky, V. 2
Geranium viscosissimum Fisch. & C.A.Mey., V. 2
Geranium, wild, V. 2
Germander, coastal, V. 2
Geum aleppicum Jacq., V. 1
Geum canadense Jacq., V. 1
Geum macrophyllum Willd., V. 1
Giant coreopsis, V. 3
Giant horsetail, V. 1
Giant leather fern, V. 1
Giant redwood, V. 1
Giant sequoia, V. 1
Giant vetch, V. 2
Giant viper’s bugloss, V. 2
Gilia, scarlet, V. 2
Gilia tricolor Benth., V. 2
Gillenia trifoliata (L.) Moench, V. 1
Ginger, long-tailed, V. 1
Ginger, wild, V. 1
Ginkgo biloba L., V. 1
Ginkgoaceae, V. 1
Ginkgophyta, V. 1
Ginseng, pineland, V. 3
Glacier lily, V. 3
Glandularia bipinnatifida (Schauer) Nutt., V. 2
Glandularia pumila (Rydb.) Umber, V. 2
Glandularia tenera (Spreng) Cabrera, V. 2
Globemallow, common, V. 1
Globemallow, goosefoot, V. 1
Globemallow, narrowleaf, V. 1
Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh, V. 2
Goatsbeard, V. 1
Goat’s beard, V. 3
Goat nut, V. 2
Goatweed, V. 2
Goldaster, hairy, V. 3
Golden Alexander, V. 2
Golden aster, V. 3
Goldenbush, singlehead, V. 3
Golden columbine, V. 1
Golden currant, V. 1
Goldeneye, skeletonleaf, V. 3
Golden-heather, V. 1
Goldenpea, prairie, V. 2
Golden polypody, V. 1
Golden ragwort, V. 3
Goldenrod, mountain decumbent, V. 3
Goldenrod, northern, V. 3
Goldenrod, wand, V. 3
Golden smoke, V. 1
Goldenweed, stemless, V. 3
Goldfields, V. 3,
Goodeniaceae, V. 2
Gooseberry, Canadian, V. 1
Gooseberry, hairystem, V. 1
Gooseberry, northern, V. 1
Gooseberry, trumpet, V. 1
Gooseberry, whitestem, V. 1
Goosefoot globemallow, V. 1
Goosefoot maple, V. 2
Goosefoot, oak-foot, V. 1
Goosefoot violet, V. 1
Gopher apple, V. 2
Gordon’s bladderpod, V. 1
Graceful bedstraw, V. 2
Grape, canyon, V. 2
Grape, Oregon, V. 1
Grass, blue-eyed, V. 3
Grass, blue-eyed, Idaho, V. 3
Grass, common blue-eyed, V. 3
Grass, gamma, V. 3
Grass, haretail, V. 3
Grass, Indian rice, V. 3
Grass-of-Parnassus, fringed, V. 2
Grass-of-Parnassus, northern, V. 2
Grass, panic, V. 3
Grass, quaking, V. 3
Grassy arrowhead, V. 3
Gray nicker bean, V. 2
Gray’s biscuitroot, V. 2
Great Basin bristlecone pine, V. 1
Great Plains yucca, V. 3
Greendragon, V. 3
Greeneyes, Florida, V. 3
Greenish-flowered wintergreen, V. 1
Greenleaf manzanita, V. 1
Grindelia hirsutula Hooker & Arnott, V. 3
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal, V. 3
Gromwell, fringed, V. 2
Gronovius’ hawkweed, V. 3
Grossulariaceae, V. 1
Ground cedar, V. 1
Groundcherry, V. 2
Groundsel, rayless alpine, V. 3
Groundsel, round-leaf, V. 3
Groundsel, tall, V. 3
Groundsel, three-toothed, V. 3
Groundsel, uinta, V. 3
Groundsel, western, V. 3
Gumplant, Pacific, V. 3
Gumweed, curly-top, V. 3
Gunnison’s mariposa lily, V. 3
Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby, V. 3
Habenaria odontopetala Reichenbach f., V. 3
Hackelia micrantha (Eastw.) J.L. Gentry, V. 2
Hairy arnica, V. 3
Hairy buttercup, V. 1
Hairy fleabane, V. 3
Hairy goldaster, V. 3
Hairy honeysuckle, V. 2
Hairystem gooseberry, V. 1
Halberd leaf violet, V. 1
Halesia carolina L., V. 1
Hamelia patens Jacq., V. 2
Harebell southern, V. 2
Haretail grass, V. 3
Harlequin, V. 1
Harriman’s yucca, V. 3
Harsh paintbrush, V. 2
Hawksbeard, Asiatic, V. 3
Hawksbeard, slender, V. 3
Hawkweed, V. 3
Hawkweed, Gronovius’, V. 3
Hawkweed, rattlesnake, V. 3
Hawkweed, white-flowered, V. 3
Hawthorne, V. 1
Hawthorne, dotted, V. 1
Hawthorne, oneflowered, V. 1
Hazelnut, American, V. 1
Heart-leafed aster, V. 3
Heather, pink mountain, V. 1
Hedgehog cactus, V. 1
Hedgehyssop, rough, V. 2
Hedysarum alpinum L., V. 2
Hedysarum boreale Nutt., V. 2
Helenium vernale Walter, V. 3
Helianthus annuus L., V. 3
Heliotrope, wild, V. 2
Heliotropiaceae, V. 2
Heliotropium angiospermum Murray, V. 2
Hellebore, false, V. 3
Hempvine, climbing, V. 3
Henbit, V. 2
Heracleum maximum W. Bartram, V. 2
Heracleum sphondylium L., V. 2
Herb-of-Grace, V. 2
Herissantia crispa (Linnaeus) Brizicky, V. 1
Hesperis matronalis L., V. 1
Heteromeles arbutifolia Greene, V. 1
Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners, V. 3
Heuchera pubescens (Pursh), V. 1
Hibiscus coulteri (Harv. ex A. Gray), V. 1
Hibiscus, Coulter’s, V. 1
Hickory, scrub, V. 1
Hieracium albiflorum Hooker, V. 3
Hieracium gronovii L., V. 3
Hieracium triste Wildenow ex Sprengel, V. 3
Hieracium venosum L., V. 3
Highbush blueberry, V. 1
Highbush cranberry, V. 2
Highbush cranberry2, V. 2
Hillside blueberry, V. 1
Hill sun cup, V. 2
Hitchcock’s woodrush, V. 3
Hoary aster, V. 3
Hoarypea, scurf, V. 2
Hog plum, V. 1
Hog plum, V. 2
Hogweed, V. 2
Holboell’s rockcress, V. 1
Holly, American, V. 2
Holly, myrtle-leaf, V. 2
Holodiscus discolor (Pursh) Maxim., V. 1
Honeysuckle, Amur, V. 2
Honeysuckle, bracted, V. 2
Honeysuckle, bush, V. 2
Honeysuckle, hairy, V. 2
Honeysuckle, Japanese, V. 2
Honeysuckle, Manchurian, V. 2
Hood’s phlox, V. 2
Hooker’s fairybells, V. 3
Hordeum jubatum L., V. 3
Hordeum murinum subsp. galucum (Steudel) Tzvelev, V. 34
Horehound, V. 2
Horsebrush, V. 3
Horse mint, V. 2
Horsemint, V. 3
Horse Sugar, V. 1
Horsetail, V. 1
Horsetail, common, V. 1
Horsetail, giant, V. 1
Horsetails, V. 1
Hot rock penstemon, V. 2
Hound’s tongue, common, V. 2
Houstonia caerulea L., V. 2
Houstonia procumbens (Walter ex J.F. Gmel.) Standl., V. 2
Houstonia purpurea L., V. 2
Houstonia serpyllifolia Michx., V. 2
Hudsonia ericoides Linnaeus, V. 1
Hyacinthoides hispanica (Miller) Rothmaler, V. 3
Hydrocotyle umbellata L., V. 2
Hydrophyllaceae, V. 2
Hydrophyllum capitatum Douglas ex Benth., V. 2
Hydrophyllum virginianum L., V. 2
Hymenocallis latifolia (Miller) M. Roemer, V. 3
Hymenoxys, stemless, V. 3
Hyophorbe lagenicaulis (L.H. Bailey) H.E. Moore, V. 3
Hypericaceae, V. 1
Hypericum chapmanii W.P. Adams, V. 1
Hypericum formosum Kunth, V. 1
Hypericum graveolens Buckley, V. 1
Hypericum hypericoides (L.) Crantz, V. 1
Hypericum scouleri Hook., V. 1
Hypericum tetrapetalum Lam., V. 1
Hypoxis hirsuta (Linnaeus) Coville, V. 3
Hypoxis wrightii (Baker) Brackett, V. 3
Hyptis alata (Raf.) Shinners, V. 2
Idaho bittercress, V. 1
Idaho blue-eyed grass, V. 3
Ilex glabra (L.) A.Gray, V. 2
Ilex myrtifolia Walter, V. 2
Ilex opaca Aiton, V. 2
Ilex vomitoria Aiton, V. 2
Indian cucumber, V. 3
Indian’s dream fern, V. 19
Indian Plantain, Florida, V. 3
Indian rice grass, V. 3
Indigofera miniata Ortega, V. 2
Indigo berry, white, V. 2
Indigo, wild, V. 2
Inkberry, V. 2
Ipomoea alba L., V. 2
Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr., V. 2
Ipomoea pandurata (L.) G.Mey., V. 2
Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R.Br., V. 2
Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V.E.Grant, V. 2
Ipomopsis rubra L., V. 2
Iridaceae, V. 3
Iris cristata Solander ex Aiton, V. 3
Iris, dwarf crested, V. 3
Iris, spring dwarf, V. 3
Iris verna Linnaeus, V. 3
Ironwood, desert, V. 2
Ironwood, Santa Cruz Island, V. 19
Island buckwheat, V. 1
Island cherry, V. 1
Island paintbrush, V. 2
Isoëtaceae, V. 1
Isoëtaceae 2∘, V. 1
Isoëtes engelmannii A. Braun, V. 1
Isoëtes lithophilia N. Pfeiff., V. 1
Italian thistle, V. 3
Ivy, kinelworth, V. 2
Ivy, poison, V. 2
Jack-in-the-pulpit, V. 3
Japanese honeysuckle, V. 2
Japanese snowball, V. 2
Jasmine, Carolina, V. 2
Jewel flower, lyreleaf, V. 1
Johnny jump-ups, V. 1
Jojoba, V. 2
Joshua tree, V. 3
Juglandaceae, V. 1
Juncaceae, V. 3
Juniper, California, V. 1
Juniper, creeping, V. 1
Juniper, Rocky Mountain, V. 1
Juniper, Utah, V. 1
Juniperus, V. 1
Juniperus californica Carrière, V. 1
Juniperus horizontalis Moench, V. 1
Jupnierus osteosperma Carrière, V. 1
Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., V. 1
Kalmia latifolia L., V. 1
Kidneywood, Texas, V. 2
Kinelworth ivy, V. 2
Kinnickkinnick, V. 1
Knapweed, spotted, V. 3
Knotweed, Davis’, V. 1
Krigia virginica (L.) Willdenow, V. 3
Lace lip fern, V. 1
Lady’s slipper, pink, V. 3
Lady’s tresses, V. 3
Laguncularia racemosa (L.) C.F. Gaertn., V. 1
Lagurus ovatus Linnaeus, V. 3
Lambert crazyweed, V. 2
Lamiaceae, V. 2
Lamium album L., V. 2
Lamium amplexicaule L., V. 2
Lanceleaf bluebell, V. 2
Lanceleaf spring beauty, V. 1
Lanceleaved sedum, V. 1
Lantana, V. 2
Lantana achyranthifolia Desf., V. 2
Lantana camara L., V. 2
Lantana involucrata L., V. 2
Lantana, wild, V. 2
Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd., V. 1
Lappula marginata (M. Bieb.) Gürke, V. 2
Larch, western, V. 1
Large-flowered Collomia, V. 2
Large flower rose gentian, V. 2
Large-flower trillium, V. 3
Large-leaved avens, V. 1
Larix occidentalis Nutt., V. 1
Larkspur, canyon, V. 1
Larkspur, tall, V. 1
Larkspur, zigzag, V. 1
Larrea tridentata (Sessé & Moc. ex DC.) Colville, V. 2
Lasthenia californica De Candolle ex Lindley, V. 3
Late purple aster, V. 3
Lathyrus brachycalyx Rydb., V. 2
Lathyrus japonicus Willd., V. 2
Lathyrus latifolius L., V. 2
Lathyrus vestitus Torr. & A.Gray, V. 2
Lauraceae, V. 1
Laurel, mountain, V. 1
Laurel, Texas mountain, V. 2
Lavender, sea, V. 2
Lavender tasselflower, V. 3
Layia glandulosa (Hooker) Hooker & Arnott, V. 3
Layia, white, V. 3
Leadplant, V. 2
Leafybract aster, V. 3
Leafy fleabane, V. 3
Leafy musineon, V. 2
Leafy spurge, V. 2
Leastdaisy, spreading, V. 3
Leatherflower, V. 1
Leatherleaf saxifrage, V. 1
Lemmon’s spring parsley, V. 2
Lemonadeberry, V. 2
Lentibulariaceae, V. 2
Lepidium fremontii S. Watson, V. 1
Lepidium montanum Nutt., V. 1
Leptarrhena pyrofolia (D. Don) R. Brown ex Seringe, V. 1
Leptodactylon watsonii (A. Gray) Rydberg, V. 2
Lesser Chickweed, V. 1
Lettuce, brook, V. 1
Lettuce. devil’s, V. 2
Lettuce, miner’s, V. 1
Leucanthemum vulgare L., V. 3
Lecuophyllum frutescens (Berland.) I.M. Johnst., V. 2
Leucocrinum montanum Nuttall ex A. Gray, V. 3
Leucothoe fontanesiana (Steud.) Sleumer, V. 1
Liatris tenuifolia Nuttall, V. 3
Licania michauxii Prance, V. 2
Licorice, American, V. 2
Licorice, wild, V. 2
Lilac, felt-leaved wild, V. 2
Liliaceae, V. 3
Lily, Atamasco, V. 3
Lily, beach spider, V. 3
Lily, Clinton’s, V. 3
Lily, glacier, V. 3
Lily, Gunnison’s mariposa, V. 3
Lily-of-the-valley, false, V. 3
Lily, star, V. 3
Lily, star2, V. 3
Lily, string, V. 3
Limber pine, V. 1
Linaceae, V. 2
Linaria dalmatica (L.) Miller, V. 2
Linderniaceae, V. 2
Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell, V. 2
Lindernia grandiflora Nutt., V. 2
Lindheimer’s senna, V. 2
Linnaea borealis L., V. 2
Linnaeaceae, V. 2
Linum perenne L., V. 2
Liriodendron tuliperifera L., V. 1
Lithocarpus densiflorus (Hooker & Arnott) Rehder in L.H. Bailey, V. 1
Lithospermum incisum Lehm., V. 2
Lithophragma affine A. Gray, V. 1
Lithophragma parviflorum (Hook.) Nutt., V. 1
Little brown jugs, V. 1
Liveforever, Blochman’s, V. 1
Lizard tail, V. 3
Lobelia, bay, V. 2
Lobelia, palespike, V. 2
Lobelia feayana A. Gray, V. 2
Lobelia spicata Lam., V. 2
Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv., V. 1
Locoweed, field, V. 2
Locoweed, San Miguel Island, V. 2
Locust, black, V. 2
Locust, bristly, V. 2
Locust, New Mexico, V. 2
Lodgepole pine, V. 1
Loganaceae, p. 545Lomatium, California, V. 2
Lomatium californicum (Nutt.) Mathias & Constance, V. 2
Lomatium dasycarpus (Torr. & A.Gray) J.M.Coult. & Rose), V. 2
Lomatium grayi (J.M.Coult. & Rose) J.M.Coult. & Rose, V. 2
London rocket, V. 1
Long-beaked storksbill, V. 2
Longleaf phlox, V. 2
Long-tailed ginger, V. 1
Lonicera hispidula Douglas ex Torr. & A. Gray, V. 2
Lonicera involucrata (Richardson) Banks ex Spreng., V. 2
Lonicera japonica Thunb., V. 2
Lonicera maackii (Rupr.) Herder, V. 2
Lonicera ruprechtiana Ragel, V. 2
Lonicera tatarica L., V. 2
Looking glass, Venus’, V. 2
Loosestrife, V. 1
Lotus corniculatus Linnaeus, V. 2
Lousewort, V. 2
Lowbush blueberry, V. 1
Low pussytoes, V. 3
Ludwigia octovalvis (Jacq.) P.H. Raven, V. 2
Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara, V. 2
Luetkea pectinata (Pursh) Kuntze, V. 1
Lunaria annua L., V. 1
Lupine, bajada, V. 2
Lupine, bicolor, V. 2
Lupine, bingen, V. 2
Lupine, broadleaf, V. 2
Lupine, broadleaf2, V. 2
Lupine, dune, V. 2
Lupine, dwarf, V. 2
Lupine, dwarf2, V. 2
Lupine, silver bush, V. 2
Lupine, silvery, V. 2
Lupine, tree, V. 2
Lupine, yellow bush, V. 2
Lupinus albifrons Benth., V. 2
Lupinus arboreus Sims, V. 2
Lupinus argenteus Pursh, V. 2
Lupinus bicolor Lindl., V. 2,
Lupinus bingenensis Suksd., V. 2
Lupinus chamissonis Eschsch., V. 21
Lupinus concinnus J. Agardh, V. 2
Lupinus latifolius J.Agardh, V. 2
Lupinus lepidus Lindl., V. 2
Lupinus polyphyllus Lindl., V. 2
Lupinus pusillus Pursh, V. 2
Lupinus sparsiflorus Benth., V. 2
Luzula hitchcockii Hämet-Ahti, V. 3,
Lycopodiaceae, V. 1
Lycopodiaceae2, V. 1
Lycopodiophyta, V. 1
Lycopodium annotinum L, V. 1
Lycopodium clavatum L., V. 1
Lycopodium dendroideum Michx., V. 1
Lycopodium obscurum L., V. 1
Lyonia ferruginea (Walter) Nutt., V. 1
Lyonia fruticosa (Michx.) G.S.Torr., V. 1
Lyonia lucida (Lam.) K.Koch, V. 1
Lyonia, rusty, V. 1
Lyonia, shiny, V. 1
Lyonothamnus floribundus A. Gray, V. 1
Lyreleaf jewel flower, V. 1
Lyreleaf sage, V. 2
Lysichiton americanus Hultén & H. St. John, V. 3
Lysimachia quadrifolia L., V. 1
Macroptillium lathyroides (L.) Urb., V. 2
Madder, blue field, V. 2
Madwort, desert, V. 1
Magnoliaceae, V. 1
Magnolia grandiflora L., V. 1
Magnolia, southern, V. 1
Magnolia tripetala (L.) L., V. 1
Magnolia virginiana L., V. 1
Mahogany, birch-leaved, V. 1
Mahogany, mountain, V. 1
Mahonia fremontii (Torr.) Fedde, V. 1
Maianthemum canadense Desfontaines, V. 3
Maianthemum dilatatum (Alph. Wood) A. Nelson & J.F. Macbride, V. 3
Maianthemum racemosum (Linnaeus) Link, V. 3
Maianthemum stellatum (Linnaeus) Link, V. 3
Maianthemum trifolium (Linnaeus) Sloboda, V. 3
Maidenhair fern, V. 1
Maidenhair fern2∘, V. 1
Maidenhair fern3, V. 1
Malacothrix saxatilis (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray, V. 3
Mallow, bur, V. 1
Mallow, desert rose, V. 1
Malva arborea (L.) Webb & Berthel., V. 1
Malvaceae, V. 1
Malva parviflora L., V. 1
Manchurian honeysuckle, V. 2
Mandarin, yellow, V. 3
Mandevilla macrosiphon (Torr.) Pichon, V. 2
Mangrove, black, V. 2
Mangrove, red, V. 2
Mangrove rubber vine, V. 2
Mangrove, white, V. 1
Manroot, V. 1
Manroot, California, V. 1
Many flower beardstongue, V. 2
Manzanita greenleaf, V. 1
Manzanita. pinemat, V. 1
Manzanita, Santa Cruz Island, V. 1
Maple, bigleaf, V. 2
Maple, canyon, V. 2
Maple, goosefoot, V. 2
Maple-leaf currant, V. 1
Maple-leaf viburnum, V. 2
Maple, mountain, V. 2
Maple, red, p. V. 2
Maple, striped, V. 2
Marah fabacea (Naudin) Greene, V. 1
Marah oreganus (Torr. & A. Gray) Howell, V. 1
Marigold, marsh, V. 1
Mariposa lily, Gunnison’s, V. 3
Marrubium vulgare Linnaeus, V. 2
Marsh marigold, V. 1
Marsh violet, V. 1
Maurandella antirrhiniflora (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Rothmaler, V. 2
Marumleaf buckwheat, V. 1
Mayapple, V. 1
Mayflower, Canada, V. 3
Meadow beauty, V. 2
Meadow buttercup, V. 1
Meadow death camas, V. 3
Meadow parsnip, V. 2
Meadowrue, purple, V. 1
Meadowrue, waxy, V. 1
Mealy sage, V. 2
Medeola virginiana Linnaeus, V. 3
Medic, black, V. 2
Medicago lupulina L., V. 2
Medicago polymorpha L., V. 2
Medicago sativa L., V. 2
Melampodium leucanthum Torrey & A. Gray, V. 3
Melanthera nivea (L.) Small, V. 3
Melastomataceae, V. 2
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall., V. 2
Mertensia brevistyla S. Watson, V. 2
Mertensia ciliata (James ex Torr.) G.Don, V. 2
Mertensia lanceolata (Pursh) DC. ex A. DC., V. 2
Mertensia longifolia Greene, V. 2
Mesquite, velvet, V. 2
Mesquitilla, V. 2
Metopium toxiferum (L.) Krug & Urb., V. 2
Mexican buckeye, V. 2
Mexican butterfly weed, V. 2
Mexican crucillo, V. 2
Mexican petunia, V. 2
Mexican primrose, V. 2
Michaux’s saxifrage, V. 1
Mikania scandens (L.) Willdenow, V. 3
Milkpea, Elliott’s, V. 2
Milkpea, Florida hammock, V. 2
Milkpea, twining, V. 2
Milkvetch, crescent, V. 2
Milkvetch, egg, V. 2
Milkvetch, Missouri, V. 2
Milkvetch, Newberry’s, V. 2
Milkvetch, plains, V. 2
Milkvetch, stinking, V. 2
Milkvetch, Zion, V. 2
Milkweed, Curtiss’, V. 2
Milkweed, plains, V. 2
Milkweed, poke, V. 2
Milkweed, purple, V. 2
Milkweed, showy, V. 2
Milkweed vine, white, V. 2
Milkwort, Nuttall’s, V. 2
Milkwort, yellow, V. 2
Mimosa quadrivalvis L., V. 2
Miner’s lettuce, V. 1
Miniature wool star, V. 2
Mint, horse, V. 2
Mint, musky, V. 2
Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michaux) MacMillan, V. 1
Missouri milkvetch, V. 2
Mistflower, palmleaf, V. 3
Mistflower, purple, V. 3
Mistletoe, desert, V. 2
Mitchella repens L., V. 2
Mitella diphylla L., V. 1
Moehringia laterifolia (Linnaeus) Fenzl, V. 1
Mohave poppy, V. 1
Mojave yucca, V. 3
Momordica charantia L., V. 1
Monarda didyma L., V. 2
Monarda fistulosa L., V. 2
Moneses uniflora A. Gray, V. 1
Moneyplant, p. V. 1
Monkeyflower, cardinal, V. 2
Monkeyflower, mountain, V. 2
Monkeyflower, pink, V. 2
Monkeyflower, sticky, V. 2
Monkeyflower, wingedstem, V. 2
Monkeyflower, yellow, V. 2
Monkshood, Columbia, V. 1
Monocotyledons, V. 3
Monbretia, V. 3
Monterey cypress, V. 1
Montiaceae, V. 1
Moonflower, V. 2
Morning glory, coastal, V. 2
Morning glory, oceanblue, V. 2
Mountain alder, V. 1
Mountain bluebell, V. 2
Mountain decumbent goldenrod, V. 3
Mountain heather, pink, V. 1
Mountain laurel, V. 1
Mountain Laurel, Texas, V. 2
Mountain mahogany, V. 1
Mountain maple, V. 2
Mountain monkeyflower, V. 2
Mountain pepper plant, V. 1
Mountain serviceberry, V. 1
Mountain snowberry, V. 2
Mountain sorrel, V. 1
Mountain St. John’s wort, V. 1
Mountain wood aster, V. 3
Mosquitobills, V. 1
Mullein, wooly, V. 2
Muller’s scrub oak, V. 1
Multiflora rose, V. 1
Multi-flowered phlox, V. 2
Muscadine, V. 2
Musineon divaricatum (Pursh) Nutt., V. 2
Musineon, leafy, V. 2
Musky mint, p. V. 2
Mustard, black, V. 1
Mustard, blue, V. 1
Mustard, charlock, V. 1
Mustard, common, V. 1
Myosotis latifolia Poir., V. 2
Myricaceae, V. 1
Myrica cerifera Linnaeus, V. 1
Myrsinaceae, V. 1
Myrsine, V. 1
Myrsine cubana A.DC., V. 1
Myrtaceae, V. 2
Myrtle-leaf holly, V. 2
Naked stem sunrays, V. 3
Nama demissa A. Gray, V. 2
Nama hispida A. Gray, V. 2
Namaceae, V. 2
Narrowleaf globemallow, V. 19
Narrow-leaf owl clover, V. 2
Narrow-leaf puccoon, V. 2
Narrow-leaved popcorn flower, V. 2
Nasturtium, V. 1
Nasturtium officinale R.Br., V. 1
Needleleaf, southern, V. 3
Needle palm, V. 3
Needles, Spanish, V. 3
Nemophilia menziesii subsp. atomaria (Fisch. & C.A.Mey.) Brand, V. 2
Nephrolepis biserrata (Sw.) Schott, V. 1
Nettle, stinging, V. 1
Nettle, wood, V. 1
Newberry’s milkvetch, V. 2
New Mexico locust, V. 2, p. 181 Nicker bean, gray, V. 2
New Mexico thistle, V. 3
Nightshade, Bahama, V. 2
Nightshade, silverleaf, V. 2
Ninebark, Pacific, V. 1
Noccaea fendleri (A. Gray) Holub, V. 1
Nodding rockcress, V. 1
Northern anemone, V. 1
Northern gentian, V. 2
Northern goldenrod, V. 3
Northern gooseberry, V. 1
Northern grass-of-parnassus, V. 2
Northern red currant, V. 1
Northern sweetvetch, V. 2
Northern whitecedar, V. 1
Notched-leaved phacelia, V. 2
Nothoscordium bivalve (Linnaeus) Britton, V. 3
Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm., V. 1
Nut, goat, V. 2
Nuttallanthus candensis (L.) D.A.Sutton, V. 2
Nuttall’s milkwort, V. 2
Nuttall’s thistle, V. 3
Nuttall’s toothwort, V. 1
Nuttall’s violet, V. 1
Nyctagniaceae, V. 1
Nymphaeaceae, V. 1
Oak, Chapman’s, V. 1
Oak, coast live, V. 1
Oak-foot goosefoot, V. 1
Oak, Gambel, V. 1
Oak, Muller’s scrub, V. 1
Oak, sand live, V. 1
Oak, turbinella live, V. 1
Oakleaf fleabane, V. 3
Oceanblue morning glory, V. 24
Oceanspray, V. 1
Ocotillo, V. 2
Oenothera biennis Linnaeus, V. 2
Oenothera caespitosa Gilles ex Hooker & Arn., V. 2
Oenothera elata Kunth, V. 2
Oenothera fruticosa Linnaeus, V. 2
Oenothera laciniata Hill, V. 2
Oenothera pallida Douglas ex Lindl., V. 2
Oleaceae, V. 2
Olive, Russian, V. 1
Olneya tesota A.Gray, V. 2
Onagraceae, V. 2
One-flowered wintergreen, V. 1
Oneflower hawthorne, V. 1
One-sided wintergreen, V. 1
Onion, shortstyle, V. 36
Onion, textile, V. 3
Ophioglossaceae, V. 1
Oplopanax horridus (Sm.) Miq., V. 2
Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf., V. 1
Opuntia littoralis (Engelm.) Cockerell, V. 1
Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm., V. 1
Orange agoseris, V. 3
Orchidaceae, V. 3
Orchid, slender bog, V. 3
Orchid, small purple-fringed, V. 3
Orchid, tooth-petal, V. 3
Orchid, white bog, V. 3
Orchis, showy, V. 3
Oregon boxwood, V. 2
Oregon grape, V. 1
Ornithogalum umbellatum Linnaeus, V. 3
Orobanchaceae, V. 2
Orthilia secunda (Linnaeus) House, V. 1
Osmorhiza longistylis (Torr.) DC., V. 2
Osmundaceae, V. 1
Osmunda regalis L., V. 1
Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (L.) C. Presl, V. 1
Ovate cliffbrake fern, V. 1
Owl clover, narrow-leaf, V. 2
Oxalidaceae, V. 2
Oxalis dillenii Jacq., V. 2
Oxalis, Dillen’s, V. 2
Oxalis montana Rafinesque, V. 2
Oxalis oregana Nutt., V. 2
Oxalis stricta L., V. 2
Oxalis violacea L., V. 2
Ox-eye daisy, V. 3
Oxeye daisy, sea, V. 3
Oxeye daisy, sea2, V. 3
Oxydendrum arboreum (L.) DC., V. 1
Oxyria digyna (Linnaeus) Hill, V. 1
Oxytropis campestris (L.) DC., V. 2
Oxytropis lambertii Pursh, V. 2
Pacific gumplant, V. 3
Pachysandra procumbens Michx., V. 1
Pacific bleeding heart, V. 1
Pacific ninebark, V. 1
Pacific serviceberry, V. 1
Packera anonyma (Alph Wood) W. A. Weber & Á Löve, V. 3
Packera aurea (L.) Á Löve & D. Löve, V. 3
Packera glabella (Poiret) C. Jeffrey, V. 3
Packera multilobata (Torrey & A. Gray) W. A. Weber & Á Löve, V. 3
Packera obovata (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) W. A. Weber & Á Löve, V. 3
Packera, Small’s, V. 3
Packera tridenticulata (Rydberg) W. A. Weber & Á Löve, V. 3
Paintbrush, alpine, V. 2
Paintbrush, Applegate’s, V. 2
Paintbrush, coast, V. 2
Paintbrush, common, V. 2
Paintbrush, Florida, V. 3
Paintbrush, harsh, V. 2
Paintbrush, island, V. 2
Paintbrush, wooly, V. 2
Painted leaf, V. 2
Pale agoseris, V. 3
Pale evening primrose, V. 21
Palespike lobelia, V. 21
Palm, bottle, V. 3
Palm, cabbage, V. 3
Palmer’s penstemon, V. 2
Palmleaf mistflower, V. 3
Palmetto, dwarf, V. 3
Palmetto, sabal, V. 3
Palmetto, saw, V. 3
Palm, Florida thatch, V. 3
Palm, needle, V. 3
Palm, silver, V. 3
Paloverde, yellow, V. 2
Panic grass, V. 3
Papaveraceae, V. 1
Paperbag Bush, V. 2
Paper birch, V. 1
Paperflower, wooly, V. 3
Parietaria floridana Nutt., V. 1
Parnassia fimbriata K.D. Koenig, V. 2
Parnassia palustris L., V. 2
Parry’s champion, V. 1
Parsley, desert, V. 2
Parsley, Lemmon’s spring, V. 2
Parsley, Rocky Mountain Indian, V. 2
Parsley, woolyfruit desert, V. 2
Parsnip, cow, V. 2
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch., V. 2
Partridge-berry, V. 2
Partridgefoot, V. 1
Partridge pea, V. 2
Pasqueflower, western, V. 1
Passifloraceae, V. 1
Passiflora pallida L., V. 1
Passionflower, corkystem, V. 1
Pawpaw, scrub, V. 1
Paxistima myrsinites (Pursh) Raf.), V. 2
Pea, butterfly, V. 2
Pea, butterfly2, V. 2
Pea, Chapman’s, V. 2
Pea, everlasting, V. 2
Pea, partridge, V. 2
Pea, rosary, V. 2
Pea, scarlet, V. 2
Pea, woodland, V. 2
Pearly everlasting, V. 3
Pedicularis canadensis L., V. 2
Pedicularis groenlandica Retzius, V. 2
Pellitory, Florida, V. 1
Pellaea ovata (Desv.) Weath., V. 1
Pencil cholla, V. 11
Pencil cholla2, V. 1
Pennsylvania blackberry, V. 1
Pennycress, field, V. 1
Pennyroyal, V. 2
Pennywort, water, V. 2
Penstemon canescens (Britton) Britton, V. 2
Penstemon davidsonii Greene, V. 2
Penstemon deustus Douglas ex Lindl., V. 2
Penstemon, Davidson’s, V. 2
Penstemon eatonii A. Gray, V. 2
Penstemon, Eaton’s, V. 2
Penstemon ellipticus J.M. Coult. & Fisher, V. 2
Penstemon fruticosus (Pursh) Greene, V. 2
Penstemon, hot rock, V. 2
Penstemon laevis Pennell, V. 2
Penstemon multiflorus (Benth.) Chapm. ex Small, V. 2
Penstemon pachyphyllus A. Gray ex Rydb., V. 2
Penstemon palmeri A. Gray, V. 2
Penstemon, Palmer’s, V. 2
Penstemon, shrubby, V. 2
Penstemon, smooth, V. 2
Penstemon, thickleaf, V. 2
Penstemon, Utah, V. 2
Penstemon utahensis Eastw., V. 2
Pentalinon luteum (L.) B.F.Hansen & Wunderlin, V. 2
Peppergrass, Fremont’s, V. 1
Pepper plant, mountain, V. 1
Perideridia gairdneri (Hooker & Arnott) Mathias, V. 2
Persea borbonia (L.) Spreng., V. 1
Perennial rockcress, V. 1
Petasites frigidus(L.) Fries, V. 3
Petrophyton caespitosum (Nutt. ex Torr. & A.Gray) Rydb., V. 1
Petunia, Mexican, V. 2
Petunia, wild, V. 2
Phacelia, Arizona, V. 2
Phacelia, fringed, V. 2
Phacelia, notched-leaved, V. 2
Phacelia, silverleaf, V. 2
Phacelia campanularia A. Gray, V. 2
Phacelia crenulata Torr. ex S. Watson, V. 2
Phacelia distans Benth., V. 2
Phacelia fimbriata Michx., V. 2
Phacelia hastata Douglas ex Lehm., V. 2
Phacelia popei Torr. & A.Gray, V. 2
Phasey bean, V. 2
Philadelphia fleabane, V. 3
Phlebodium aureum (L.) J. Sm., V. 1
Phoebanthus grandiflorus (Torrey & A. Gray) S.F. Blake, V. 3
Pholistoma auritum (Lind.) Lilja ex Lindlbl., V. 2
Phlox austromantana Coville, V. 2
Phlox, blue, V. 2
Phlox, creeping, V. 2
Phlox diffusa Benth., V. 2
Phlox, desert, V. 2
Phlox divaricata L., V. 2
Phlox drummundii Hook., V. 2
Phlox, garden, V. 2
Phlox hoodii Richardson, V. 2
Phlox, Hood’s, V. 2
Phlox longifolia Nutt., V. 2
Phlox, longleaf, V. 2
Phlox multiflora A. Nelson, V. 2
Phlox, multi-flowered, V. 2
Phlox, spreading, V. 2
Phlox stolonifera Simms, V. 2
Phoradendron californicum Nutt., V. 2
Phrymaceae, V. 2
Phyllodoce empetriformis (Smith) D. Don, V. 1
Physalis longifolia Nutt., V. 2
Physaria gordonii (A. Gray) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz, V. 18
Physaria ludoviciana (Nuttall) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz, V. 1
Physocarpus capitatus (Pursh) Kuntze, V. 1
Phytolaccaceae, V. 1
Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm., V. 1
Pickerelweed, V. 3
Pilea microphylla (L.) Liebm., V. 1
Piloblephis rigida (W. Bartram ex Benth.) Raf., V. 2
Pimpernel, round-leaved false, V. 2
Pimpernel, scarlet, V. 1
Pimpernel, yellow, V. 2
Pimpernel, yellowseed false, V. 2
Pincushion, Esteve’s, V. 3
Pinaceae, V. 1
Pinaceae2, V. 1
Pin cherry, V. 1
Pine, Florida slash, V. 1
Pine, Great Basin bristlecone, V. 1
Pine, limber, V. 1
Pine, lodgepole, V. 1
Pinemat manzanita, V. 1
Pine, sand, V. 1
Pine, piñon, V. 1
Pine, ponderosa, V. 1
Pine, whitebark, V. 1
Pine cryptanth, V. 2
Pinedrops, V. 1
Pineland ginseng, V. 3
Pink lady’s slipper, V. 3
Pink monkeyflower, V. 2
Pink mountain heather, V. 1
Pinkroot, Florida, V. 2
Pink vervain, V. 2
Piñon pine, V. 1
Pinus ablicaulis Engelm., V. 1
Pinus contorta Douglas ex Loudon, V. 1
Pinus edulus Engelm., V. 1
Pinus clausa (Chapm. ex Engelm.) Casey ex Sarg., V. 1
Pinus elliottii var. densa Little & K.W. Dorman, V. 1
Pinus flexilis E. James, V. 1
Pinus longaeva D.K. Bailey, V. 1
Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson, V. 1
Pink, fire, V. 1
Pipsissewa, V. 1
Pipsissewa2, V. 1
Piriqueta cistoides (Linnaeus) Grisebach subsp. caroliniana (Walter) Arbo, V. 1
Pithecellobium keyense Coker, V. 2
Pitted stripeseed, V. 1
Pityopsis graminifolia (Michx.) Nuttall, V. 3
Plagiobothrys nothofulvus (A. Gray) A. Gray, V. 2
Plains milkvetch, V. 2
Plains milkweed, V. 2
Plains pricklypear, V. 1
Plantaginaceae, V. 2
Plantago lanceolata L., V. 2
Plantago media L., V. 2
Plantago patagonica Jacq., V. 2
Plantain, V. 2
Plantain, English, V. 2
Plantain, Florida Indian, V. 3
Plantain, Pursh, V. 2
Plantain leaf buttercup, V. 1
Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindley ex L.C. Beck, V. 3
Platanthera psycodes (Linnaeus) Lindley, V. 3
Platanthera stricta Lindley, V. 3
Plateau rocktrumpet, V. 2
Platystemon californicus Benth., V. 1
Plectritis macrocera Torr. & A. Gray, V. 2
Plectritis, white, V. 2
Pluchea odorata (L.) Cassini, V. 3
Plum, hog, V. 1
Plum, hog, V. 2
Plumbaginaceae, V. 1
Plume prince’s, V. 1
Poaceae, V. 3
Pod fern, V. 1
Podophyllum peltatum L., V. 1
Poison, fly, V. 3
Poison ivy, V. 2
Poison sanicle, V. 2
Poisonwood, V. 2
Poke milkweed, V. 2
Polemoniaceae, V. 2
Polemonium viscosum Nutt., V. 2
Polygalaceae, V. 2
Polygala nana de Candolle, V. 2
Polygala nuttallii Torrey & A. Gray, V. 2
Polygala rugelii Shuttlew. ex A Gray, V. 2
Polygonaceae, V. 1
Polygonatum biflorum (Walter) Elliott, V. 3
Polygonum davisiae W.H. Brewer ex A. Gray, V. 1
Polypodiaceae, V. 1
Polypodiophyta, V. 1
Polypodium polypodioides (L.) Watt, V. 1
Polypodium virginianum L., V. 1
Polypody, common, V. 1
Polypody, golden, V. 1
Pond apple, V. 1
Ponderosa pine, V. 1
Pontederia cordata Linnaeus, V. 3
Pontederiaceae, V. 3
Ponyfoot, Carolina, V. 2
Popcorn flower, narrow-leaved, V. 2
Popcorn Flower, rusty, V. 2
Poplar, tulip, V. 1
Poppy, California, V. 1
Poppy, Mohave, V. 1
Populus balsamifera L., V. 1
Populus fremontii S. Watson, V. 1
Populus tremuloides Michx., V. 1
Portulacaceae, V. 1
Portulaca oleracea L., V. 1
Potentilla arguta Pursh, V. 1
Potentilla canadensis L., V. 1
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehm., V. 1
Potentilla simplex Michx., V. 1
Prairie clover white, V. 2
Prairie coneflower, V. 3
Prairie flower, purple, V. 2
Prairie goldenpea, V. 2
Prairie star, small flowered, V. 1
Prickly currant, V. 1
Pricklypear cactus, V. 1
Pricklypear, coastal, V. 1
Pricklypear, plains, V. 1
Primrose, brown-eyed, V. 2
Primrose, cutleaf evening, V. 2
Primrose, dwarf evening, V. 2
Primrose, evening, V. 2
Primrose, evening2, V. 2
Primrose, Mexican, V.2
Primrose, pale evening, V. 2
Primrose-willow, V. 2
Primulaceae, V. 1
Prince’s plume, V. 1
Prosartes hookeri Torrey, V. 3
Prosartes lanuginosa (Michaux) D. Don, V. 3
Prosartes smithii (Hooker) Utech, V. 3
Prosartes trachycarpa S. Watson, V. 3
Prosopsis velutina Wooden, V. 2
Prostate bluets, V. 2
Prunella vulgaris L., V. 2
Prunus alabamaensis C. Mohr, V. 1
Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D.Dietr, V. 1
Prunus pensylavanica L.f., V. 1
Prunus serotina Ehrh., V. 1
Prunus umbellata Elliott, V. 1
Prunus virginiana L., V. 1
Psilophyta, V. 1
Psilostrophe tagetina (Nuttall) Greene, V. 3
Psilotum nudum L., V. 1
Psychotria nervosa Sw., V. 2
Pteridaceae, V. 1
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn, V. 1
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn2∘, V. 1
Pterocaulon pyncnostchyum (Michx.) Elliott, V. 3
Pterospora andromedea Nuttall, V. 1
Puccoon, narrow-leaf, V. 2
Pumice sandwort, V. 1
Puncture vine, V. 2
Purple bluets, V. 2
Purple coneflower, V. 3
Purple-flowering raspberry, V. 1
Purple meadowrue, V. 1
Purple-fringed orchid, small, V. 3
Purple milkweed, V. 2
Purple mat, V. 2
Purple mat2, V. 2
Purple prairie flower, V. 2
Purple mistflower, V. 3
Purple spiderling, V. 1
Purple thistle, V. 3
Purse, shepherd’s, V. 1
Pursh plantain, V. 2
Purshia mexicana (D.Don) Henr., V. 1
Purshia tridentata (Pursh) DC., V. 1
Purslane, V. 1
Purslane, sea, V. 1
Pussypaws, umbellate, V. 1
Pussytoes, common, V. 3
Pussytoes, field, V. 3
Pussytoes, low, V. 3
Pussytoes, rosy, V. 3
Pussytoes, small-leaf, V. 3
Pussytoes, wooly, V. 3
Putty root, V. 3
Pyrola chlorantha Sw., V. 1
Pyrrhopappus carolinianus (Walter) de Candolle, V. 3
Quaking aspen, V. 1
Quaking grass, V. 3
Queen Anne’s lace, V. 2
Queen’s delight, V. 2
Quercus agrifolia Née, V. 1
Quercus chapmanii Sarg., V. 1
Quercus cornelius-mulleri Nixon & K.P. Steele, V. 1
Quercus gambelii Nutt., V. 1
Quercus geminata Small, V. 1
Quercus turbinella Greene, V. 1
Quillworts, V. 1
Rabbitbrush, V. 3
Rabbitbrush, rubber, V. 3
Radish, wild, V. 1
Rafinesquia neomexicana A. Gray, V. 3
Ragleaf bahia, V. 3
Ragwort, arrowleaf, V. 3
Ragwort, golden, V. 3
Railroad vine, V. 2
Randia aculeata L., V. 2
Ranunculaceae, V. 1
Ranunculus abortivus L., V. 1
Ranunculus acris L., V. 1
Ranunculus alismifolius Geyer ex Benth., V. 1
Ranunculus bulbosus L., V. 1
Ranunculus californicus Benth., V. 1
Ranunculus glaberrimus Hook., V. 1
Ranunculus hispidus Michx., V. 1
Ranunculus occidentalis Nutt., V. 1
Ranunculus repens L., V. 1
Ranunculus testiculatus Crantz, V. 1
Rape, V. 1
Raphanus raphanistrum subsp. sativus (L.) Domin, V. 1
Raspberry, creeping, V. 1
Raspberry, purple-flowering, V. 1
Raspberry, wild red, V. 1
Ratibida columnifera (Nuttall) Wooton & Standley, V. 3
Rattlebox, showy, V. 2
Rattlebox, smooth, V. 2
Rattlesnake fern, V. 1
Rattlesnake hawkweed, V. 3
Rayless alpine groundsel, V. 3
Red clover, V. 2
Red elderberry, V. 2
Red flowered currant, V. 1
Red maids, V. 1
Red mangrove, V. 2
Red maple, V. 2
Red sorrel, V. 2
Red spiderling, V. 1
Red tassleflower, V. 3
Red willow, V. 1
Red willowherb, V. 2
Redbud, V. 2
Redosier dogwood, V. 2
Red-stemmed filaree, V. 2
Redtop buckwheat, V. 1
Redwood, coastal, V. 1
Redwood, giant, V. 1
Redwood violet, V. 1
Regal fern, V. 1
Rhabdadenia biflora, (Jacq.) Müll.Arg., V. 2
Rhamnaceae, V. 2
Rhapidophyllum histrix (Pursh) H. Wendland & Drude, V. 3
Rhexia virginica Linnaeus, V. 2
Rhizophoraceae, V. 2
Rhizophora mangle L., V. 2
Rhododendron calendulaceum (Michx.) Torr., V. 1
Rhododendron canadense (L.) Torr., V. 1
Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) Sweet, V. 1
Rhododendron, catawba, V. 1
Rhododendron catawbiense Michx., V. 1
Rhododendron maximum L., V. 1
Rhododendron, rosebay, V. 1
Rhodiola integrifolia Raf., V. 1
Rhodora, V. 1
Rhus aromatica Aiton, V. 2
Rhus integrifolia (Nutt.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Rothr., V. 2
Rhus ovata S. Watson, V. 2
Rhus trilobata Nutt., V. 2
Rhynchosia cinerea Nash, V. 2
Rhynchospora colorata (Linnaeus) H. Pfeiffer, V. 3
Ribes acerifolium Howell, V. 1
Ribes aureus (Pursh) var. villosum de Candolle, V. 1
Ribes cereum Douglas, V. 1
Ribes hirtellum Michx., V. 1
Ribes inerme Rydb., V. 1
Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir., V. 1
Ribes leptanthum A. Gray, V. 1
Ribes oxyacanthoides L., V. 1
Ribes rubrum L., V. 1
Ribes sanguineum Pursh, V. 1
Rice grass, Indian, V. 3
Ridell’s selaginella, V. 1
Rigid whitetop aster, V. 3
Rimrock vetch, V. 2
River beauty, V. 2
Rivinia humilis L., V. 1
Robert’s geranium, V. 2
Robinia hispida L., V. 2
Robinia neomexicana A.Gray, V. 2
Robinia pseudoacacia L., V. 2
Rockcress, Holboell’s, V. 1
Rockcress, nodding, V. 1
Rockcress, perennial, V. 1
Rockcress, spreading, V. 1
Rockcress, spreading2, V. 1
Rocktrumpet, plateau, V. 2
Rocky Mountain fringed gentian, V. 2
Rocky Mountain Indian parsley, V. 2
Rocky Mountain juniper, V. 1
Rocket, dames, V. 1
Rocket, London, V. 1
Rocket, sea, V. 1
Rockmat, V. 1
Rosaceae, V. 1
Rosa multiflora Thunb., V. 1
Rosa woodsii Lindl., V. 1
Rosary pea, V. 2
Rose gentian, large flower, V. 2
Rose, multiflora, V. 1
Rose, wild, V. 1
Rosebay rhododendron, V. 1
Roseroot, western, V. 1
Rosy pussytoes, V. 3
Rosy seablush, V. 2
Rouge plant, V. 1
Rough chervil, V. 2
Rough-fruited fairybell, V. 3
Rough hedgehyssop, V. 2
Roundleaf violet, V. 1
Round-leaved false pimpernel, V. 2
Round-leaf groundsel, V. 3
Rubber rabbitbrush, V. 3
Rubiaceae, V. 2
Rubber vine, mangrove, V. 28
Rubus cuneifolius Pursh, V. 1
Rubus idaeus L., V. 1
Rubus lasiococcus A.Gray, V. 1
Rubus odoratus L., V. 1
Rubus parviflorus Nutt., V. 1
Rubus pensilvanicus Poir., V. 1
Rubus spectabilis Pursh, V. 1
Rubus ursinus Cham. & Schltdl., V. 1
Rudbeckia hirta L., V. 3
Rue Anemone, V. 1
Ruellia carolinensis (J.F.Gmel.) Steud., V. 2
Ruellia simplex C. Wright, V. 2
Rumex acetosella L., V. 1
Rumex hastalus Baldwin, V. 1
Rumex hymenosepalus Torr., V. 1
Rumex obtusifolius L., V. 1
Rumex occidentalis S. Watson, V. 1
Running cedar, V. 1
Running clubmoss, V. 1
Russian olive, V. 1
Rusty lyonia, V. 1
Rusty popcorn flower, V. 2
Sabal minor (Jacquin) Persoon, V. 3
Sabal palmetto, V. 3
Sabal palmetto (Walter) Loddiges ex Schutes & Schutes f., V. 3
Sabatia grandiflora (A. Gray) Small, V. 2
Sabatia, star, V. 2
Sabatia stellaris Pursh, V. 2
Sagebrush, big, V. 3
Sagebrush buttercup, V. 1
Sagebrush, coastal, V. 3
Sage, desert, V. 2
Sage, fringed, V. 3
Sage, lyreleaf, V. 2
Sage, mealy, V. 2
Sage, Santa Rosa Island, V. 2
Sage, shrubby blue, V. 2
Sage, Texas, V. 2
Sage, tropical, V. 2
Sagittaria graminea Michaux, V. 3
Sagittaria lancifolia Linnaeus, V. 3
Saguaro, V. 1
Salal, V. 1
Salicaceae, V. 1
Salix arctica Pall., V. 1
Salix barclayi Andersson, V. 1
Salix hookeriana Barratt ex Hook., V. 1
Salix laevigata Bebb, V. 1
Salix lasiolepis Benth., V. 1
Salmonberry, V. 1
Saltbush, four-winged, V. 1
Saltmarsh bird’s beak, V. 2
Salt sandspur, V. 1
Salvia ballotiflora Benth., V. 2
Salvia brandegeei Munza, V. 2
Salvia coccinea Buc’hoz ex Etl., V. 2
Salvia dorrii (Kellogg) Abrams, V. 2
Salvia farinacea Benth., V. 2
Salvia lyrata L., V. 2
Sambucus canadensis L., V. 2
Sambucus cerulea Raf., V. 2
Sambucus racemosa L., V. 2
Sand blackberry, V. 1
Sand buckwheat, V. 1
Sand clover, V. 2
Sand Live Oak, V. 1
Sand pine, V. 1
Sandhill snoutbean, V. 2
Sandspur, salt, V. 1
Sandwort, baldhead, V. 1
Sandwort, blunt-leaved, V. 1
Sandwort, Fendler’s, V. 1
Sandwort, fescue, V. 1
Sandwort, pumice, V. 1
San Francisco woodstar, V. 1
Sanguinaria canadensis L., V. 1
Sanicula bipinnata Hook. & Arn, V. 2
Sanicula odorata (Raf.) K.M.Pryer L.R.Phillippe, V. 2
Sanicle, poison, V. 2
San Miguel Island locoweed, V. 2
Santa Cruz Island buckwheat, V. 1
Santa Cruz Island ironwood, V. 1
Santa Cruz Island manzanita, V. 1
Santa Rosa Island sage, V. 2
Sapindaceae, V. 2
Sarcostemma clausum (Jacq.) Schult., V. 2
Sarsaparilla, wild, V. 2
Saskatoon, V. 1
Sassafras, V. 1
Sassafras albidum (Nutt.) Nees, V. 1
Saw palmetto, V. 3
Saxifraga aizoides L., V. 1
Saxifraga bronchialis L., V. 1
Saxifragaceae, V. 1
Saxifraga michauxii Britton, V. 1
Saxifrage, bog, V. 1
Saxifrage, leatherleaf, V. 1
Saxifrage, Michaux’s, V. 1
Saxifraga micranthidifolia (Haw.) Steud., V. 1
Saxifraga oregana Howell, V. 1
Saxifrage, spotted, V. 1
Saxifrage, yellow mountain, V. 1
Scaevola plumieri (L.) Vahl, V. 2
Scaleleaf aster, V. 3
Scarlet gilia, V. 2
Scarlet pea, V. 2
Scarlet pimpernel, V. 1
Scorpiontail, V. 2
Scophulariaceae, V. 2
Scotch bluebell, V. 2
Scouring rush, V. 1
Scouring rush, common, V. 1
Scrub hickory, V. 1
Scrub pawpaw, V. 1
Scurf hoarypea, V. 2
Scutellaria drummondii Benth., V. 2
Scutellaria mexicana (Torr.) A.J.Paton, V. 2
Sea Fig, V. 1
Sea lavender, V. 2
Sea-myrtle, V. 3
Sea oxeye daisy, V. 3
Sea oxeye daisy2, V. 3
Sea purslane, V. 1
Sea rocket, V. 1
Seablush, rosy, V. 2
Seagrape, V. 1
Seaside daisy, V. 3
Seathrift, V. 1
Securigera varia (Linnaeus) Lassen, V. 2
Sedge, broom, V. 3
Sedge, white topped, V. 3
Sedum lanceolatum Torr., V. 1
Sedum, lanceleaved, V. 1
Sedum ternatum Michx., V. 1
Selaginella, Ridell’s, V. 1
Selaginella corallina (Riddell) Wilbur & Whitson, Margaret K., V. 1
Selaginellaceae, V. 1
Self-heal, V. 2
Senecio integerrinus Nuttall, V. 3
Senecio serra Hooker, V. 3
Senecio triangularis Hooker, V. 3
Senna, Lindheimer’s, V. 2
Senna lindheimeriana (Scheele) H.S.Irwin & Barneby, V. 2
Senna, velvet leaf, V. 2
Sensitive briar, V. 2
Selaginellaceae2∘, V. 1
Sequoia, V. 1
Sequoia, giant, V. 1
Sequoia sempervirens (D. Don) Endl., V. 1
Sequoiadendron, V. 1
Sequoiadendron giganteum (Lindl.) J. Buchholz, V. 1
Serenoa repens (W. Bartram) Small, V. 3
Seriocarpus tortifolius (Michx.) Nees, V. 3
Serviceberry, V. 1
Serviceberry, common, V. 1
Serviceberry, mountain, V. 1
Serviceberry, Pacific, V. 1
Serviceberry, Utah, V. 1
Sesuvium portulacastrum (L.) L., V. 1
Sessile-leaf bellwort, V. 3
Seven year apple, V. 2
Seymeria, V. 2
Seymeria pectinata Pursh, V. 2
Sheep sorrel, V. 1
Shelton’s violet, V. 1
Sherardia arvensis L., V. 2
Shepherdia canadenis (L.) Nutt., V. 1
Shepherd’s purse, V. 1
Shiny blueberry, V. 1
Shiny lyonia, V. 1
Shoe-button, V. 3
Shoe-button2, V. 3
Shooting star, V. 1
Shooting star, alpine, V. 1
Shooting star, Zion, V. 1
Short-styled bluebell, V. 2
Shortstyle onion, V. 3
Showy milkweed, V. 2
Showy rattlebox, V. 2
Showy orchis, V. 3
Shrubby bedstraw, V. 2
Shrubby blue sage, V. 2
Shrubby cinquefoil, V. 1
Shrubby penstemon, V. 2
Sibbaldiopsis tridentata (Sol.) Rydb., V. 1
Siberian alder, V. 1
Sida ciliaris L., V. 1
Sida rhombifolia L., V. 1
Silene parryi (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. & Maguire, V. 1
Silene virginica L., V. 1
Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, V. 1
Silverberry, V. 1
Silver bush lupine, V. 2
Silver cholla, V. 1
Silver croton, V. 2
Silver palm, V. 3
Silverleaf nightshade, V. 2
Silverleaf phacelia, V. 2
Silvery lupine, V. 2
Silvery townsendia, V. 3
Simmondsiaceae, V. 2
Simmondsia chinensis (Link.) C.K.Schneid., V. 2
Sinapis arvensis L., V. 1
Singlehead goldenbush, V. 3
Singleleaf ash, V. 2
Siskiyou wakerobbin, V. 3
Sisymbrium irio L., V. 1
Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller, V. 3
Sisyrinchium montanum Greene, V. 3
Sisyrinchium idahoense, E.P. Bicknell, V. 3
Sitka valerian, V. 2
Skeletonleaf goldeneye, V. 3
Skullcap, Drummond’s, V. 2
Skunkbush, V. 2
Skunk-cabbage, V. 3
Skunk-cabbage2, V. 37
Sky pilot, V. 2
Slender buckwheat, V. 1
Slender bog orchid, V. 3
Slender hawksbeard, V. 3
Slenderlobe, Watson’s, V. 2
Small bluebells, V. 2
Small-flowered buttercup, V. 1
Small flowered prairie star, V. 1
Small-leaf pussytoes, V. 3
Small purple-fringed orchid, V. 3
Small’s packera, V. 3
Small white snakeroot, V. 3
Small white violet, V. 1
Smilaceae, V. 3
Smilax laurifolia Linnaeus, V. 3
Smith’s fairybells, V. 3
Smooth fleabane, V. 3
Smooth penstemon, V. 2
Smooth rattlebox, V. 2
Smooth Solomon’s seal, V. 3
Smooth vetch, V. 2
Snake-herb, V. 2
Snakeroot, black clustered, V. 2
Snakeroot, small white, V. 3
Snakeroot, white, V. 3
Snakeweed, broom, V. 3
Snapdragon, V. 2
Sneezeweed, spring, V. 3
Snoutbean, sandhill, V. 2
Snowball, Japanese, V. 2
Snowballs, V. 1
Snowberry, common, V. 21
Snowberry, creeping, V. 2
Snowberry, mountain, V. 2
Snowbush ceanothus, V. 2
Snowdrops, V. 1
Snow-on-the-mountain, V. 2
Snow squarestem, V. 3
Soaproot, V. 1
Solanaceae, V. 2
Solanum bahamense L., V. 2
Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav., V. 2
Solanum rostratum Dunal, V. 2
Solanum umbelliferum Eschsch., V. 2
Solidago curtisii Torrey & A. Gray, V. 3
Solidago multiradiata Aiton, V. 3
Solidago stricta Aiton, V. 3
Solomon’s seal, false, V. 3
Solomon’s seal, false2, V. 3
Solomon’s seal, smooth, V. 3
Solomon’s seal, three-leaved, V. 3
Sonchus arvensis L., V. 3
Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, V. 3
Sophora secundiflora (Ortega) DC., V. 2
Sophronanthe hispida (Benth.), V. 2
Sorbus americana Marshall, V. 1
Sorbus scopulina Greene, V. 1
Sorrel, mountain, V. 1
Sorrel, red, V. 2
Sorrel, sheep, V. 1
Sorrel, wood, V. 2
Sorrel, wood2, V. 2
Sorrel, yellow wood, V. 2
Sour dock, V. 1
Sourwood, V. 1
South American mock vervain, V. 2
Southern beeblossom, V. 2
Southern harebell, V. 2
Southern magnolia, V. 1
Southern needleleaf, V. 3
Sowthistle, V. 3
Sowthistle2, V. 3
Spanish bluebells, V. 3
Spanish moss, V. 3
Spanish needles, V. 3
Spanish stopper, V. 2,
Spatterdock, V. 1
Spergularia marina (L.) Besser, V. 1
Sphaeralcea angustifolia (Cav.) G.Don, V. 1
Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb., V. 1
Sphaeralcea grossularifolia (Hook. & Arn.) Rydb., V. 1
Sphagneticola trilobata (L.) Pruski, V. 3
Speedwell, alpine, V. 2
Spermacoce verticillate Linnaeus, V. 2
Spider lily, beach, V. 3
Spiderling, purple, V. 1
Spiderling, red, V. 1
Spiderwort, V. 3
Spiderwort2, V. 3
Spiderwort, Trans-Pecos, V. 3
Spigelia loganoides (Torr. & A.Gray) A. DC., V. 2
Spikemosses, V. 1
Spikenard, California, V. 2
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamisso, V. 3
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greene, V. 1
Spirea, birch-leaved, V. 1
Spotted knapweed, V. 3
Spreading leastdaisy, V. 3
Spreading phlox, V. 2
Spreading rockcress, V. 1
Spreading rockcress2, V. 1
Spleenwort, ebony, V. 1
Spotted saxifrage, V. 1
Spring beauty, eastern, V. 1
Spring beauty, lanceleaf, V. 1
Spring draba, V. 1
Spring dwarf iris, V. 3
Spring sneezeweed, V. 3
Spruce, Engelmann, V. 1
Spurge, Allegheny, V. 1
Spurge, flowering, V. 2
Spurge, leafy, V. 2
Spurge, toothed, V. 2
Squarehead, V. 3
Squarestem, snow, V. 3
St. Andrew’s cross, V. 1
St. John’s wort, Chapman’s, V. 1
St. John’s wort, fourpetal, V. 1
St. John’s wort, mountain, V. 1
St. John’s wort, western, V. 1
Staggerbush, coastal plains, V. 1
Standing-cypress, V. 2
Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Britton, V. 1
Starburst bush, V. 2
Starflower, V. 1
Star grass, bristleseed yellow, V. 3
Star grass, yellow, V. 3
Star lily, V. 3
Star lily2, V. 3
Star-of-Bethlehem, V. 3
Star sabatia, V. 2
Stellaria corei Shinners, V. 1
Stellaria pallida (Dumort.) Crépin, V. 1
Stellaria pubera Michx., V. 1
Stemless goldenweed, V. 3
Stemless hymenoxys, V. 3
Stemless townsendia, V. 3
Stenotus acaulis (Nuttall) Nuttall, V. 3
Sticky arnica, V. 3
Sticky geranium, V. 2
Stickseed, blue, V. 2
Stickseed, cupseed, V. 2
Sticky monkeyflower, V. 2
Stillingia sylvatica L., V. 2
Stinging nettle, V. 1
Stinking milkvetch, V. 2
Stonecrop, wild, V. 1
Stopper, Spanish, V. 2
Storksbill, long-beaked, V. 2
Strawberry, beach, V. 1
Strawberry bush, V. 2
Strawberry, wild, V. 1
Strawberry, woodland, V. 1
Stream violet, V. 1
Streptanthus carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray, V. 1
Streptopus amplexifolius (Linnaeus) de Candolle, V. 3
String lily, V. 3
Striped maple, V. 2
Stripeseed, pittted, V. 1
Strophostyles leiosperma (Torr. & A.Gray) Piper, V. 2
Stylosanthes hamata (L.) Taub., V. 2
Styracaceae, V. 1
Subalpine fleabane, V. 3
Suksdorfia, buttercup, V. 1
Suksdorfia ranunculifolia (Hook.) Engl., V. 1
Suksdorifa violacea A. Gray, V. 1
Suksdorfia, violet, V. 1
Sugarbush, V. 2
Sulfur buckwheat, V. 1
Sumac, three-leafed, V. 2
Sun cup, hill, V. 2
Sundrops, V. 2
Sunflower, bush, V. 3
Sunflower, common, V. 3
Sunflower, desert, V. 3
Sunflower, Florida false, V. 3
Sunflower, wooly, V. 3
Sunrays, naked stem, V. 3
Surinaceae, V. 2
Suriana maritima Linnaeus, V. 2
Swallowwort, fragrant, V. 2
Swamp dogwood, V. 2
Sweet alyssum, V. 1
Sweet bay, V. 1
Sweet potato, wild, V. 2
Sweet white violet, V. 1
Sweetclover, yellow, V. 2
Sweetpea, Zion, V. 2
Sweet-scented bedstraw, V. 2
Sweet-scented bedstraw2, V. 2
Sweetshrub, V. 1
Sweetvetch, alpine, V. 2
Sweetvetch, northern, V. 2
Symphoricarpos albus (L.) S.F. Blake, V. 2
Symphoricarpos mollis Nutt., V. 2
Symphoricarpos oreophilus A. Gray, V. 2
Symphyotrichum adnatum (Nuttall) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (L.) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Symphyotrichum elliottii (Torrey & A. Gray) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Symphyotrichum ericoides (L.) G. L. Nesom, V. 3
Symphyotrichum foliaceum (Lindley ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Symphyotrichum patens (Aiton) G.L. Neson, V. 3
Symphyotrichum retroflexum (Linley ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesom, V. 3
Symplocarpus foetidus (L.) Salisbury ex W.P.C. Barton, V. 3
Symplocaceae, V. 1
Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L’Hér, V. 1
Syngonanthus flavidulus (Michaux) Ruhland), V. 3
Taenidia integerrima (L.) Drude, V. 2
Tall groundsel, V. 3
Tall larkspur, V. 1
Tall thimbleweed, V. 1
Tamaricaceae, V. 1
Tamarix, V. 1
Tamarix chinensis Lour., V. 1
Tanoak, V. 1
Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wiggers, V. 3
Tasselflower, lavender, V. 3
Tassleflower, red, V. 3
Taxaceae, V. 1
Taxodium, V. 1
Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich., V. 1
Tecoma stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth, V. 2
Ten-petal anemone, V. 1
Tephrosia chrysophylla Pursh, V. 2
Tetragonotheca helianthoides L., V. 3
Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh) Greene, V. 3
Tetrapteron graciliflorum (Hooker & Arn.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, V. 2
Tetraymia axillaris A. Nelson, V. 3
Tetradymia canescens de Candolle, V. 3
Teucrium cubense Jacq., V. 2
Texas kidneywood, V. 2
Texas mountain laurel, V. 2
Texas sage, V. 2
Texas vervain, V. 2
Texas virgin’s bower, V. 1
Textile onion, V. 3
Thalictrum dasycarpum Fisch., C.A. Mey. & Avé-Lall., V. 1
Thalictrum revolutum DC., V. 1
Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt., V. 2
Thatch palm, Florida, V. 3
Thermopsis rhombifolia (Nutt. ex Pursh) Nutt. ex Richardson, V. 2
Thickleaf penstemon, V. 2
Thickstem aster, V. 3
Thimbleberry, western, V. 1
Thimbleweed, tall, V. 1
Thistle, bull, V. 3
Thistle, California, V. 3
Thistle, Canada, V. 3
Thistle, cardimine, V. 3
Thistle, elk, V. 3
Thistle, Italian, V. 3
Thistle, New Mexico, V. 3
Thistle, Nuttall’s, V. 3
Thistle, purple, V. 3
Thlaspi avense L., V. 1
Thoroughwort, white, V. 3
Three-cornered garlic, V. 3
Three-leafed sumac, V. 2
Three-leaved Solomon’s seal, V. 3
Three-toothed cinquefoil, V. 1
Three-toothed groundsel, V. 3
Thrinax radiata Loddiges ex Schultes, V. 3
Thuja, V. 1
Thuja occidentalis L., V. 1
Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don, V. 1
Tiarella cordifolia L., V. 1
Tiarella trifoliata L., V. 1
Tickseed, V. 3
Tidy fleabane, V. 3
Tillandsia setacea Swartz, V. 3
Tillandsia usneoides (Linnaeus) Linneaus, V. 3
Toadflax, V. 2
Toadflax, bastard, V. 2
Toadflax, dalmation, V. 2
Toothed spurge, V. 2
Toothpetal orchid, V. 3
Toothwort, cut-leaf, V. 1
Toothwort, Nuttall’s, V. 1
Torch, black, V. 2
Tournefortia gnaphalodes (L.) R.Br. ex Roem. & Schult., V. 2
Townsendia exscapa (Richardson) Porter, V. 3
Townsendia incana Nuttall, V. 3
Townsendia, silvery, V. 3
Townsendia, stemless, V. 3
Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze, V. 2
Toyon, V. 1
Tradescantia brevifolia (Torrey) Rose, V. 3
Tradescantia ohioensis Rafinesque, V. 3
Tradescantia subaspera Ker Gawler, V. 3
Tragopogon dubius Scopoli, V. 3
Trailplant, American, V. 3
Trans-Pecos spiderwort, V. 3
Tread-softly, V. 2
Treefoil, bird’s foot, V. 2
Tree ground pine, V. 1
Tree lupine, V. 2
Tresses, lady’s, V. 3
Tribulus cistoides L., V. 2
Trientalis borealis Raf., V. 1
Trifolium gymnocarpon Torr. & A.Gray, V. 2
Trifolium hybridum L., V. 2
Trifolium pratense L., V. 2
Trifolium willdenovii Spreng., V. 2
Trillium catesbaei Elliott, V. 3
Trillium, Catesby’s, V. 3
Trillium erectum Linnaeus var. album (Michaux) Pursh, V. 3
Trillium grandiflorum (Michaux) Salisbury, V. 3
Trillium, large-flower, V. 3
Trillium ovatum Pursh, V. 3
Trillium rivale S. Watson, V. 3
Trillium, western, V. 3
Trillium, white, V. 3
Trillium, white erect, V. 3
Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl., V. 2
Tropical sage, V. 2
Trout-lily, American, V. 3
Trumpet gooseberry, V. 1
Trumpet vine, V. 2
Tuberous vervain, V. 2
Tulip poplar, V. 1
Turbinella live oak, V. 1
Twinflower, V. 2
Twining milkpea, V. 2
Twisted stalk, clasping-leaved, V. 3
Uinta groundsel, V. 3
Umbellate, pussypaws, V. 1
Umbrella-leaf, V. 1
Umbrella tree, V. 1
Ungnadia speciosa Endl., V. 2
Urena lobata L., V. 1
Urticaceae, V. 1
Urtica dioica L., V. 1
Utah agave, V. 3
Utah juniper, V. 1
Utah penstemon, V. 2
Utah serviceberry, V. 1
Utricularia breviscapa C. Wright ex Griseb., V. 2
Utricularia subulata L., V. 2
Uvularia sessilifolia Linnaeus, V. 3
Vaccinium angustifolium Aiton, V. 1
Vaccinium corymbosum L., V. 1
Vaccinium microcarpum (Turcz. ex Rupr.) Schmah., V. 1
Vaccinium myrsinites Lam., V. 1
Vaccinium pallidum Aiton, V. 1
Vaccinium stamineum L., V. 1
Valerianaceae, V. 2
Valeriana samolifolia Bert., V. 2
Valeriana sitchensis Bong., V. 2
Valerianella umbilicata (Sull. ex A. Gray) Alph. Wood, V. 2
Valerian, Sitka, V. 2
Velvet leaf senna, V. 2
Velvet mesquite, V. 2
Venus’ looking glass, V. 2
Verbascum thapsus L., V. 2
Verbena, brushland shrub, V. 2
Verbena, fragrant sand, V. 1
Verbenaceae, V. 2
Verbena halei Small, V. 2
Verbena hastata L., V. 2
Verbena rigida Spreng., V. 2
Verbesina virginica L., V. 3
Veratrum viride Aiton, V. 3
Veronica wormskjoldii Roem. & Schult., V. 2
Vervain, blue, V. 2
Vervain, Dakota, V. 2
Vervain, pink, V. 2
Vervain, South American mock, V. 2
Vervain, Texas, V. 2
Vervain, tuberous, V. 2
Vetch, American, V. 2
Vetch, crown, V. 2
Vetch, giant, V. 2
Vetch, rimrock, V. 2
Vetch, smooth, V. 2
Vetch, wooly, V. 2
Viburnaceae, V. 2
Viburnum acerifolium L., V. 2
Viburnum edule Raf., V. 2
Viburnum lanthanoides Michx., V. 2
Viburnum, maple-leaf, V. 2
Viburnum obovatum Walter, V. 2
Viburnum opulus L., V. 2
Viburnum plicatum Thunb., V. 2
Viburnum, Walter, V. 2
Vicia americana Willd., V. 2
Vicia nigricans subsp. gigantea (Hook.) Lassetter & C.R.Gunn, V. 2
Vicia villosa Roth, V. 2
Vicia villosa subsp. varia (Host) Corb., V. 2
Vigna luteola (Jacq.) Benth., V. 2
Viguiera stenoloba S.F. Blake, V. 3
Vine, coin, V. 2
Viola adunca Sm., V. 1
Viola blanda Willd., V. 1
Viola canadensis L., V. 1
Violaceae, V. 1
Viola glabella Nutt., V. 1
Viola hastata Michx., V. 1
Viola macloskeyi F.E. Lloyd, V. 1
Viola nuttallii Pursh, V. 1
Viola obliqua Aiton, V. 1
Viola orbiculata Geyer ex Hook., V. 1
Viola palmata L., V. 1
Viola pedata L., V. 1
Viola pedunculata Torr. & A. Gray, V. 1
Viola pubescens Aiton, V. 1
Viola purpurea Kellogg, V. 1
Viola rostrata Pursh, V. 1
Viola sempervirens Greene, V. 1
Viola sheltonii Torr., V. 1
Viola sororia Willd., V. 1
Violet, beaked, V. 1
Violet, birdsfoot, V. 1
Violet, Canada, V. 1
Violet, common blue, V. 1
Violet, downy yellow, V. 1
Violet, early blue, V. 1
Violet, early blue2, V. 1
Violet, goosefoot, V. 1
Violet, halberd leaf, V. 1
Violet, johnny jump-ups, V. 1
Violet, marsh, V. 1
Violet, Nuttall’s, V. 1
Violet, redwood, V. 1
Violet, roundleaf, V. 1
Violet Shelton’s, V. 1
Violet, small white, V. 1
Violet, stream, V. 1
Violet Suksdorfia, V. 1
Violet, sweet white, V. 1
Viper’s bugloss, giant, V. 2
Virginia creeper, V. 2
Virgin’s bower, Texas, V. 1
Viscaceae, V. 2
Vitaceae, V. 2
Vitis arizonica Engelm., V. 2
Vitis rotundifolia Michx., V. 2
Wakerobbin, Siskiyou, V. 3
Walking fern, V. 1
Walking stick, Devil’s, V. 2
Wallflower, western, V. 1
Walter viburnum, V. 2
Wandering fleabane, V. 3
Wand goldenrod, V. 3
Water-hyacinth, V. 3
Waterleaf, ballhead, V. 2
Waterleaf, eastern, V. 2
Water pennywort, V. 2
Watson’s slenderlobe, V. 2
Wax currant, V. 1
Wax-myrtle, V. 1
Waxy meadowrue, V. 1
Wedelia, V. 3
Western buttercup, V. 1
Western columbine, V. 1
Western coralroot, V. 3
Western dock, V. 1
Western groundsel, V. 3
Western pasqueflower, V. 1
Western redcedar, V. 1
Western roseroot, V. 1
Western St. John’s wort, V. 1
Western St. John’s wort2, V. 1
Western thimbleberry, V. 1
Western trillium, V. 3
Western wallflower, V. 1
Wheatgrass, crested, V. 3
Whiskfern, V. 1
White avens, V. 1
White baby blue eyes, V. 2
White bog orchid, V. 3
White champion, V. 1
White cinquefoil, V. 1
White clover, V. 2
White crownbeard, V. 3
White dead-nettle, V. 2
White erect trillium, V. 3
White fir, V. 1
White-flowered hawkweed, V. 3
White heath aster, V. 3
White indigo berry, V. 2
White layia, V. 3
White mangrove, V. 1
White milkweed vine, V. 2
White plectritis, V. 2
White prairie clover, V. 2
White ramping fumitory, V. 1
White snakeroot, V. 3
White, snakeroot, small, V. 3
White topped sedge, V. 3
White trillium, V. 3
Whitebark pine, V. 1
White ramping fumitory, V. 1
Whitethorn, V. 2
White thoroughwort, V. 3
Whitetop aster, V. 3
Wild allamanda, V. 2
Wild bean, V. 2
Wild buckwheat, V. 1
Wild candytuft, V. 1
Wild chervil, V. 2
Wild chives, V. 3
Wild coffee, V. 2
Wild comfrey, V. 2
Wild four-O’clock, V. 1
Wild geranium, V. 2
Wild ginger, V. 1
Wild heliotrope, V. 2
Wild indigo, V. 2
Wild lantana, V. 2
Wild licorice, V. 2
Wild petunia, V. 28
Wild radish, V. 1
Wild red raspberry, V. 1
Wild rose, V. 1
Wild sarsaparilla, V. 2
Wild stonecrop, V. 1
Wild strawberry, V. 1
Wild sweet potato, V. 2
Wild yam, V. 3
Willow, arctic, V. 1
Willow, arroyo, V. 1
Willow, baccharis, V. 3
Willow, Barclay’s, V. 1
Willow, coastal, V. 1
Willow, dune, V. 1
Willow, red, V. 1
Willowherb, alpine, V. 2
Willowherb, red, V. 2
Wingedstem monkeyflower, V. 2
Winter cress, V. 1
Wintergreen, greenish-flowered, V. 1
Wintergreen, one-flowered, V. 1
Wintergreen, one-sided, V. 1
Wireweed, V. 1
Witch, blue, V. 2
Witch-hobble, V. 2
Woodland pea, V. 2
Woodland strawberry, V. 1
Wood-nettle, V. 1
Woodrush, Hitchcock’s, V. 3
Wood sorrel, V. 2
Wood Sorrel2, V. 2
Wool star, miniature, V. 2
Woodstar, San Francisco, V. 1
Woolyfruit desert parsley, V. 2
Wooly mullein, V. 2
Wooly paintbrush, V. 2
Wooly paperflower, V. 3
Wooly pussytoes, V. 3
Wooly sunflower, V. 3
Wooly vetch, V. 2
Ximeniaceaed, V. 2
Ximenia americana L., V. 2
Yampah, Gairdner’s, V. 2
Yam, wild, V. 3
Yarrow, V. 3
Yaupon, V. 2
Yellow avens, V. 1
Yellow birch, V. 1
Yellow buckeye, V. 2
Yellow buckwheat, V. 1
Yellow bush lupine, V. 2
Yellow colic-root, V. 3
Yellow cryptantha, V. 2
Yellow cups, V. 2
Yellow elder, common, V. 2
Yellow-eye cryptanth, V. 2
Yellow mandarin, V. 3
Yellow milkwort, V. 2
Yellow monkeyflower, V. 2
Yellow mountain avens, V. 1
Yellow mountain saxifrage, V. 1
Yellow paloverde, V. 2
Yellow pimpernel, V. 2
Yellowseed false pimpernel, V. 2
Yellow star grass, V. 3
Yellow star grass, bristleseed, V. 3,
Yellowstone draba, V. 1
Yellow sweetclover, V. 2
Yellowtops, coastal plain, V. 3
Yellow wood sorrel, V. 2
Yompah, Gairdner’s, V. 2
Youngia japonica (Linnaeus) de Candolle, V. 3
Yucca brevifolia Engelmann in S. Watson, V. 3
Yucca glauca Nuttall, V. 3
Yucca, Great Plains, V. 3
Yucca harrimaniae Trelease, V. 3
Yucca, Harriman’s, V. 3
Yucca, Mohave, V. 3
Yucca schidigera Roezl ex Ortgies, V. 3
Zamiaceae, V. 1
Zamia pumila L., V. 1
Zephyranthes atamasca (Linnaeus) Herbert, V. 3
Zigadenus fremontii (Torrey) Torrey ex S. Watson, V. 3
Zigadenus venenosus S. Watson, V. 3
Zigzag bladderwort, V. 2
Zigzag larkspur, V. 1
Zinnia acerosa (de Candolle) A. Gray, V. 3
Zinnia, desert, V. 3
Zion fleabane, V. 3
Zion milkvetch, V. 2
Zion shooting star, V. 1
Zion sweetpea, V. 2
Zizia aurea Koch, V. 2
Zygophyllaceae, V. 2